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Newfoundland & Labrador
Folk Medicines

Most of Newfoundland & Labrador folk medicines may not fall in the same category of superstition, others must definitely belong to the witch doctor domain. Their origin are diverse, and can be traced back to customs from Europe, England, Ireland, Scotland and the Channel Islands. Also from Indian and Eskimo sources on this side of the Atlantic. I have listed these few folk medicines for your reading enjoyment!

Curing Warts
- Cut notches in a stick and hide the latter. Rub a piece of fresh meat to the wart, then bury the meat and as it decays the wart disappears

- Vinegar in the mouth may give relief.

- Walk backwards, around in a circle is perferred for best results.
- To extract the core of a boil, put some hot water in a bottle. Then pour the hot water out of the bottle and place its hot mouth on the boil, as the bottle cools the core will extract.
- An old tradition to cure a child from a hernia was too split a green witch hazel tree and pass the child through it.

- Most effective home remedy is that of wild cherry extract and small portions of turpentine.
- Kerosene oil mixed with molasses is also popular.

Stomach Trouble
- Dogberry extract is the most favored cure.
- Alter buds boiled provides the extract used very effectively.
Sore Eyes
- "May" snow was said to be gathered and bottled for a remedy.
Known locally as "old hag", call the persons name backwards.

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