" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Cavendish - History Timeline

1800 - According to tradition, Charles Oakley and John Lockyer are the first settlers, but left a short time afterwards.

1845 - First permanent settlers the Jacksons arrive from Lower Island Cove.

1855 - The Jerrett=s settle at Cavendish.

1860's - First Church of England is built.

1874 - First Wesleyan Church is built. For a while it also served as a school.

1876 - First saw mill is set up.

1890 - A 25 ton fishing boat is built in the community and used to fish at Baccalieu Island.

1918 - Second saw mill is set up.

1930's - A decline in the fishery began.

1940 - Only about one or two crews involved in the inshore fishery. The Labrador and the bank fishery had disappeared.

1970's - Five or six boats are involved in the inshore fishery.

1981 - Anglican congregation isstill being served by the clergyman from Heart=s Delight. United Church congregation is still being served by the clergyman from Green=s Harbour. Elementary school students attend school at Heart=s Delight. High school students attend school in Green=s Harbour.