" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Dildo - History Timeline

Circa 2000 BC Archaeological evidence indicates that Maritime Archaic Indians were frequenting nearby Anderson's Cove.

AD 100-700 Dildo Island, located at the entrance to Dildo Arm, is occupied by Dorset Eskimo people.

24 October, 1612 Newfoundland's first governer, John Guy sails into Dildo Arm aboard the Endeavour. He finds several Beothuk Indian camps and names the arm Savage Harbour.

July 2, 1613 While sailing into Dildo Arm, Henry Crout sees a Beothuk house on one of the islands at the entrance to the arm. He visits the house and leaves presents there for the Beothuk. This was probably Dildo Island.

July 3, 1613 Henry Crout trades with Beothuk somewhere in Dildo Arm.

1711 Captain Crowe orders all the English inhabitants of Trinity Bay to withdraw to winter quarters by October 1st in order to defend themselves against attacks by the French. Dildo Island is one of the locations mentioned.

1711-1712 It is reported that during this winter there are "205 men drawn from Trinity Bay" on Dildo Island. Apparently they withdrew to the island to defend themselves from the French.

Early 1800s Dildo is settled by Reids, Smiths, Pretty's and Elfords.

Schooner Gaspereau goes down off Dildo Island.

1824- Dursa Elford the daughter of Charles and Catherine Elford is born at Dildo and baptised on August 15th.

1889- A cod hatchery is opened on Dildo Island.

1931- Society of United Fishermen, Goodwill 84, opens at Dildo.

1932 A giant squid washes ashore on a beach in Dildo. It is found by Reuben Reid and Richard Gosse.

The DO-X, a German flying boat, which was the largest plane in the world at the time lands in Dildo Arm.

1947- Whaling operations begin. Two residents of Dildo Clarance George and Lewis Reid become whaling skippers. Whaling continues to be an important part of the local economy until it is banned by the Canadian government in 1972.