" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Heart's Desire - History Timeline

1775 – Heart’s Desire is first mentioned in Lane’s Sailing Directions.

1786 – Tradition says that the area was first settled by Irish Fisherman named Walsh and St George.

1836 – Census lists 43 people living at Heart's Desire. There are three fishing servants and eleven fishing boats.

1836 – A road Surveyor for the Government of Newfoundland, Joshua Green, describes the land and forest in the area of Heart’s Desire: "From Heart’s Delight, to Heart’s Content, a distance of 9 miles, the line to the latter place leads through woods of large dimensions comprising fir, spruce and birch, the soil and timber surpassing in quality any met with on this route; one bridge is required over the Rattle Brook of Heart’s Desire of 33 feet….".

1836 – 12.5 acres of land are in production with potatoes and hay. Thirteen head of cattle are kept for meat and milk.

1869 - Fifty-seven people were involved with the fishery using sixteen boats and fourteen nets and seines.

Early 1870’s – The first Roman Catholic church is built in Heart’s Desire.

1874 – Census lists 12 children attending school, probably at nearby Heart’s Content.

Mid 1880’s – First school is built in Heart’s Desire.

1891 – The population reaches 132. The census first mentions lumbering as an occupation, with 43 people reported as being employed in this industry. Twelve residents are also listed as working as miners.

Early 1900’s – Residents are growing hay, potatoes, turnips and other root crops and cabbage. They are also keeping horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and poultry.

1901 – The census reports the school can seat 70 students. Eleven men from Heart’s Desire are involved with the Labrador Fishery. A lobster factory has opened in the community and eight men and three women are employed.

1911 – A new sawmill is opened employing four people.

1921– The census reports 41 students attending the one room Roman Catholic School. The census records that the Roman Catholic church could accommodate up to 150 people.

1956 –A new Roman Catholic Church is built and continues to operate until 1983.

1956 – A salt fish plant is set up and an increase in the fishery occurs.

1965 – The plant is operated by Ocean Harvesters Company Limited and has been converted to a fresh-fish processing plant.

1971 – Heart’s Desire is incorporated.

1979 – A new Roman Catholic school is opened. High school students are bused to Heart’s Content.

1980 – Plant starts freezing its fish for sale in the United States.

1981 – The population continues to grow and by this date consists of 416 residents.

1982 – The fish plant is owned by Thomas St George and Sons; the species of fish processed includes cod, turbot, greysole, capelin, squid, herring, and mackerel.

1983 - Five crews with a total of 15 to 20 men continue to persue the inshore fishery.

1983 – Residents continue maintaining gardens for there own personal use. Municipal facilities include a town hall, a recreation center, and a playground. The majority of residents work at the fish plant in the town or at fish plants at Winterton, Hant’s Harbour, and Carbonear. Some residents either commute to jobs in the Conception Bay area and other Trinity Bay communities or work in the service industry in Heart’s Desire.