" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Job's Cove - History Timeline

1774 - Job's Cove appears on Lane=s map as Devil=s Cove.

1796 - Job's Cove appears on Thoresby=s map as Devil=s Cove.

1812 - It is decided to officially change the name of Devil=s Cove to Job=s Cove.

1836 - The first census records a population of 236.

1840's - First school is built by the Roman Catholic Church.

1844 - School has an enrollment of 34 children.

1869 - The population rises to 284.

1874 - Census reports this year show that the Job=s Cove economy is based mainly upon the inshore cod & salmon fishery.

1885 - Methodist Church forms a board of education for the northern shore area. John Morris is appointed the first teacher by the board.

1901 - Census reports nine people from Job's Cove involved in mining, probably Bell Island.

1911 - The population is listed as 315.

1945 - The population is listed as 335.

1958 (June) - Students attending Roman Catholic school are now bused to nearby Northern Bay to attend Corpus Christi and the Catholic school was closed.

1962 - Job=s Cove high-school students are bused to nearby Western Bay when this section of the United Church school is closed.

1970's (early) - Elementary students are now bused to nearby Western Bay.

1980's - The strong pattern of fishing and farming continues. Fish plants at Bay de Verde and Old Perlican provide employment for commuting residents. The commercial berry-picking industry was maintained.