" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

New Perlican - History Timeline

1619 - 1620 - Thomas Rowley who is living at Cupids reports in several letters that he is planning to move to New Perlican to establish a plantation. Whether he did or not is unknown. These are the first known references to New Perlican.

1675 - Census lists William Hefford and his family settled at New Perlican.

1677 - William Efford is listed as being married with one son. He is employing six servants and has one dwelling house, nine store rooms and lodging houses, two boats, one stage, and a vegetable garden.

1764 - Church of England clergyman visiting notes eight families living here. Half are English and half are Irish. The English protestants live around the main harbour, and the Irish Catholics live on the northeast side, at Smutty Nose, as it=s known to locals.

1836 - Census lists 251 people living at New Perlican. Some early family names include: Burrage, Cotter, Fisher, Grant, Hobbs, Matthews, Peddle, Piercey, Seaward, Smith, Warren, and White.

1866 - Landing of the transatlantic telegraph cable at nearby Heart=s Content provides work and helps increase the population of New Perlican.

1874 - The participation of local merchants in the Labrador fishery helps the community to support a growing population which by now has reached 519.

1921 - The population reaches 699.

1921 - 1951 - Population drops to 361, a decline in the local shore fishery forces many people to leave.

1990's - Most residents are employed away from community or retired.