" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Northern Bay - History Timeline

Mid 1700’s – West Country firms maintained seasonal premises at Northern Bay. Early fishing servants are named Moore and Hogan.

1775 – A number of crew members from West Country vessels are said to have drowned at Northern Bay Sands, because it is so exposed, especially to northeasterly gales.

1836 – Census records a population of 203 at Northern Bay.

1838 – The Catholic parish of Northern Bay is established.

1840’s – Under the direction of Father Bernard Duffy, a church and school are built.

1845 - The Methodist congregation builds a school and a chapel.

1845 – The population rises to a total of 272.

1860’s - The March Family are farming almost full time.

1863 – The Rothesay is wrecked at Northern Bay Sands.

1869 - The Methodist congregation builds a church.

1900’s (early) – The decline in the Labrador fishery from the North Shore increases the competition in the local shore fishery.

1901 – Large number of livestock was being kept and 260 acres of land was under cultivation, mainly in hay.

1911 – The local Agricultural Society consists of a total of 152 members.

1915 – Father Edward J. O’Brien begins his long service to the parish and has a new school built.

1924 – A new church is constructed.

1992 – Residents who still fish for a living keep their boats at nearby Ochre Pit Cove.