" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "
Mid 1700s West Country firms maintained seasonal premises at Northern Bay. Early fishing servants are named Moore and Hogan.
1775 A number of crew members from West Country vessels are said to have drowned at Northern Bay Sands, because it is so exposed, especially to northeasterly gales.
1836 Census records a population of 203 at Northern Bay.
1838 The Catholic parish of Northern Bay is established.
1840s Under the direction of Father Bernard Duffy, a church and school are built.
1845 - The Methodist congregation builds a school and a chapel.
1845 The population rises to a total of 272.
1860s - The March Family are farming almost full time.
1863 The Rothesay is wrecked at Northern Bay Sands.
1869 - The Methodist congregation builds a church.
1900s (early) The decline in the Labrador fishery from the North Shore increases the competition in the local shore fishery.
1901 Large number of livestock was being kept and 260 acres of land was under cultivation, mainly in hay.
1911 The local Agricultural Society consists of a total of 152 members.
1915 Father Edward J. OBrien begins his long service to the parish and has a new school built.
1924 A new church is constructed.
1992 Residents who still fish for a living
keep their boats at nearby Ochre Pit Cove.