" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

North River - History Timeline

1840 - A Roman Catholic school is established.

1857 - Combined population of North River which is mainly Roman Catholics and nearby Hall's Town which is mainly Protestants is 335.

1860's - Many people combined farming with the Labrador fishing out of nearby Port de Grave and Bay Roberts.

1874 - All Hallows Roman Catholic School is built, and later St. Thomas' Church is built.

Circa 1900 - Bell Island offers job opportunities for some men, however the population remains stable at about 400.

1906 - Roman Catholic parish is established. Before this North River was a part of the Brigus parish.

1974 - Students now attend high school in Brigus, All Hallows Elementary School continues to serve the community.

1980's - By this time, few people are directly involved in the fishery and there are no full-time farmers.

1992 - Early family names still common in North River include: Bradbury, Fillier, Hall, Hanlon, Morgan, Morrissey, Newell, Power and Snow.