" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

Salmon Cove - History Timeline

1680 - "crique de saumon" or Salmon Cove first appears on French and English maps.

1768 - There are three houses, gardens, and fishing premises in the cove belonging to Charles Garland .

1801- John Slade and John Rose are living in Marshall's Folly.

1807 - Richard Marshall occupies Garland's premises.

1836 - The population is 271, combined with nearby Perry's Cove. It consists of 153 Methodists, 75 Roman Catholics, and 43 Anglican.

1840's - The majority of the population are engaged as stationers in the Labrador fishery.

1845 - The population of Salmon Cove and Perry's Cove is 581. Ten families are listed at Marshall's Folly.

1857 - Census records the population at Salmon Cove Head to be twenty.

1869 - Census records the population at Salmon Cove Head to be twelve.

1871 - Records of family names include: Dwyer, Peckham, Rose, and White.

1884 - A school exists and a clergyman is mentioned at Salmon Cove.

1891 - The number of families going to the Labrador decreases to only 87 people.

1901 - Twenty-six men are reported as working at the mines on Bell Island.

1907 - First church is built.

1921 - Bell Island iron mines employ 77 men.

1930's - Shore fishery declines and Salmon Cove suffers a drop in population. Marshall's Folly is no longer listed in the census.

1970's - Children attend school in nearby Victoria, and most services and employment are made available in nearby Carbonear.