" Discover the Heritage of the Baccalieu Trail "

South Dildo - History Timeline

1612 - On October 24th Newfoundland's first governor, John Guy, sails into Dildo Arm. Somewhere in the bottom of the arm he sees a Beothuk camp, as a result he names the arm "Savage Harbour".

1866 – The family of Edward Lynch settles in South Dildo. There are no records of the community being settled prior to this date.

1869 – Census records a population of 16.

1880 - New Harbour Anglican Church records contain the first reference to South Dildo, the baptism of a child belonging to James and Diane Pretty.

1880’s – A number of Church of England settlers join the previously settled Roman Catholic families named Brazil and Lynch.

1884 – A school is built.

1901 – There is a Church of England chapel in nearby Old Shop and a Roman Catholic chapel at Brazil's.

1905 – Family names include: Brazil, Emberly, Pretty, Pike and Reid. The shore fishery continues to be important in the community.

1950 – A fresh fish plant is opened.

1950's and 1960's - Whaling becomes an important part of the local economy.

1960’s – South Dildo receives families from nearby Spread Eagle and Harbour Buffett during the resettlement program.

1971 – The population is 257.

1972 – Whaling is banned by the Canadian government.