Grade 7: New France
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Topic Time Expectations Experience Resources Evaluation
Immigration and Exploration
40 min 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 • picture analysis
• mapping
• overhead tranparency of City of Quebec
• atlases
• Handout: map of Canada
• informal evaluation of contributions to analysis
• teacher evaluation of   - maps
 - working habits
Role play of Jean Talon 200 min 1.4, 2.14, 3.9 • role playing
• using computers and the Internet
• Stats Canada Web site • teacher evaluation of presentations
The Fur Trade
The Naming of Canada
40 min 2.11, 2.3, 2.5, 1.5 • critical viewing and analysis
• information through discussion
• team work
• Heritage Minute:
"The Naming of Canada"
• teacher evaluation of discussion
An Expedition 80 min 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 • research skills
• locating and recording information
• oral group presentation
• CDC's Hudson's Bay Company Web site
• Handout: "Outfitting for a Fur Trade Expedition"
peer evaluation of teamwork
• teacher evaluation of:
 - group interaction
 - oral presentations
French - Native Relations 40 min 2.7, 2.11, 3.2, 3.4 • team work
• critical viewing and analysis
• research skills
 - locating and recording information
• Heritage Minute:
• CDCs Women's Herstory Web site
• Handout:
"One Woman's Role in French-Native Relations"
mind maps
student peer evaluation of website answers
Life on the Seigneury 90 min 2.7, 2.9, 2.13, • cooperative small group work • CRB's Journal of Gilles Coutourier from "We Are Canadians" kit
• Snapshot 3: The Frontier Empire (optional)
Final Evaluation
30 min 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 • dramatization • Tableaux scene ideas • teacher evaluation
Unit Test 40 min 3.8 • Final Test in the form of a reflection paper style letter • Handout:
"Final Reflection Paper: I Miss My Family!"
• teacher evaluation of reflection paper

Home Page Table of Contents Introduction to Unit Unit Outline Unit Overview