Grade 7: New France
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Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Unit Test

Final Test

Time: one period (40 minutes)

Students will:
  • consolidate and review their knowledge of New France
  • role play a character from the era studied through writing "letters" to their "families"
  • demonstrate their knowledge in a way that is appropriate to be evaluated


  • Photocopy handout: "Final Reflection Paper: I Miss My Family!"
  • OPTIONAL: Photocopy "Final Test Supplement" as an alternative or to add some factual questions to the reflection style test

Lesson Plan:

  1. Students use the entire period to complete the test.

Evaluation Opportunities:

teacher marks test using rubric provided as marking guideline Final Reflection Paper: I Miss My Family!
You have spent the last couple weeks learning about some of the aspects of the beginnings of Canada as a country. Now, put yourself in the shoes of one of the new immigrants. You may choose to be a soldier, a priest, a nun, a seigneur who owns a seigneury, a habitant who lives and works on a seigneury, a fur trader, a young homemaker and mother, a midwife or an entrepreneur. You are writing a letter home to your family that you left behind in Europe informing them on how your life has been so far in New France. They miss you and want to know as much as possible about your new life so don't forget to tell them about where you live, how you live, who you live with, what you eat, how you get your food, your spiritual life and anything else that you feel they should know.




Sincerely, __________________________

(Your name)

Final Test Suggested Evaluation Rubric
I Miss My Family: Letter Home
Student's Name:

Student's Name:
Unsatisfactory (0)
-content understood, or interpreted with limited effectiveness

- includes very few if any details learned about New France's culture

Satisfactory (5)

-content understood, or interpreted with some effectiveness

- includes a few details learned about New France's culture

Good (8)
-content understood, or interpreted with considerable effectiveness

- includes a considerable number of details learned about New France's culture

Excellent (10)
-content understood or interpreted with high degree of effectiveness

- includes many details learned about New France's culture



Unsatisfactory (0)

-applies critical thinking skills with limited effectiveness

Satisfactory (5)

-applies critical thinking skills with moderate effectiveness

Good (8)

-applies critical thinking skills with considerable effectiveness

Excellent (10 )

-applies critical thinking skills with high degree of effectiveness



Unsatisfactory (0)
-applies criteria of letter writing with limited effectiveness and little creativity
Satisfactory (5)
-applies criteria of letter writing with some effectiveness and creativity
Good (8)
-applies criteria of letter writing with considerable effectiveness and creativity
Excellent (10)
-applies criteria of letter writing with high degree of effectiveness and creativity



Unsatisfactory (0)

-makes logical conclusions or generalizations with limited effectiveness

Satisfactory (5)

-makes logical conclusions or generalizations with some effectiveness

Good (8)

-makes logical conclusions or generalizations with considerable effectiveness

Excellent (10)

-makes logical conclusions or generalizations with high degree of effectiveness



Total Marks:

Comments (strengths/considerations for improvement): 
Final Test supplement

New France Test



Part A
Answer the following questions on this question sheet. Circle the correct answer.

  1. When the French came to North America they settled mostly:
    1. along the Mackenzie River
    2. along the St. Lawrence River
    3. along the Mississippi River
    4. along the St. Lambert River
  2. The 1665-66 Census of Canada states the most popular profession as:
    1. servant
    2. mason
    3. baker
    4. carpenter
  3. Marie de l'Incarnation contributed to French-Native relations by:
    1. helping men of the Fur Trade
    2. writing a dictionary
    3. becoming a contributing member of New France's society
    4. all of the above

Part B
Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks.

  1. _______________________ was the first person to take a count of all the people in Canada. This gathering of information is called a ________________.
  2. The ____________________________ is the oldest business in North America and was founded during the Fur Trade.
  3. Habitants who worked on a ___________________ were required to pay one tenth of their harvest to the person who owned the land. This payment was called _____________.


Final Test Supplement Answer Key

Part A

  2. a        

Part B

  1. Jean Talon, census
  2. Hudson's Bay Company
  3. seigneury, the dīme

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