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Image: NS2059B.02.jpg
Detail: NS2059B.02detail.jpg

Crystal system hexagonal.
Habit tabular, granular, stalactitic or prismatic; rhombohedral or scalenohedral in geometric form.
Cleavage perfect.
Fracture rarely present but is conchoidal (long curved surface pattern often seen when glass breaks).
Hardness 3
Specific Gravity 2.7
Color can be colorless, opaque, white, gray, yellow, green, purple, blue/brown or black.
Luster transparent to translucent with a vitreous or pearly luster
Streak white.
Distinguishing features dissolves easily in cold, hydrochloric acid.
Uses used in petrological microscopes as a polarizing prism; also used in cements for buildings, as a flux in metallurgy, in soil enrichment and as fillers in rubber and paint.


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