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Draw & Draw Again - No 2 Alike
20 Questions - Nothing Lasts
Artifact Box - Colourful Words

House Treasure Section

Draw and Draw Again
     Draw an object from memory, then draw it again while
     you look at it. Which drawing is more accurate?

No Two Alike
     Write a thorough description for each of five pencils.
     Are your descriptions good enough to tell the shuffled
     pencils apart?

Twenty Questions
     Barclay bear is thinking of a mystery object. Can you
     figure out what it is from the clues he gives you?

Nothing Lasts Forever
     Museums follow special rules in order to protect the
     items in their collections. Do you know the reason
     behind each rule?

The Artifact Box
     The artifact box contains all kinds of peculiar objects
     from days gone by. Can you guess what each one
     was used for?

Colourful Words
     Improve your descriptive vocabulary by learning new
     words to describe variations in colours.

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