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House Treasure title graphic

Aurora, Goddess of the Dawn - click to learn moreRoedde House is full of treasure! No, you won't find jewels or emeralds or gold coins inside, but there's treasure everywhere just the same. The objects in the house are its treasure!

Are there treasures in your house? There probably are, but maybe you've never thought about the objects around you in that way before. Kitchen utensils, grooming tools, clothes, shoes, books, musical instruments, furniture, toys, games, silverware, and photographs are the velvet-covered egg - click to learn moreall things that might hold priceless value. An object's value isn't always related to how much money it cost to buy or make.

So how do you know if something is a house treasure? Does the object ever make you think of questions like where it came from, or how, when, why or by whom it was made? Do you ever wonder who might have owned the object before you did, or what Roedde House's resident teddy bearspecial meaning or uses it might have? To find answers to these mysteries you have to look, touch and explore the object. Objects can tell us important clues about the past.

Pardon me! Here I've been talking and talking, and I haven't even introduced myself! I'm Barclay, Roedde House's resident Teddy Bear! Normally I'd be sitting in my usual place by the bay window in the dining room, with the other turn-of-the-century toys. Everyone needs a break once in a while, however, so the war photographs - click to learn moreI volunteered to be your guide to the treasures of the house. I've also prepared several fun activities for you. Try them all, by yourself or with your friends. Don't be afraid to guess, observe, record and describe! These are the first steps to solving puzzles about long ago.

the secretary box - click to learn moreFlashing by above are some questions you might ask when you search for clues about a special treasure from the past. Keep these questions in mind as you investigate objects at Roedde House museum and in your own surroundings. Try to answer these questions using words that are as precise and descriptive as possible - these will be your best clues as you unravel the mysteries of the treasure at Roedde House!

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