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Front Hall - Parlour
Kitchen - Dining Room
Den - Activities

The Bedroom

The bedroom at Roedde House contains all kinds of little devices for personal grooming, dressing, and other tasks. There are brushes, combs, safety razors, self-sharpening razors, glove stretchers, shoe stretchers, pocket watches and button hooks.

chest of drawers Not all house treasures are small, of course. The chest of drawers is a beautiful piece of furniture. It's made out of walnut, although others of its kind were made out of fruitwood or pine. The mirrored dresser is also magnificent. There are intricate detailings of fruit on its pillars. wash jug

Before there were "en suite" bathrooms in homes, people would often keep washsets in their bedrooms. basinWash sets included bowls, jugs and chamber pots and were usually china or pottery. A gentleman might have a set of his own while his wife had a more feminine set to use.

sewing machineTreadle sewing machines were a huge labour-saving advantage for women who had to make, fix, or alter the clothes of the large families of the day. A treadle is a foot-operated lever. When the person using the sewing machine pumped on the treadle with her foot, the sewing machine went to work just as if it was powered by electricity. Ladies could now make their own clothing instead of having to pay a seamstress. Occasional teddy bear repairs were still done by hand, however!

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