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Front Hall - Parlour
Kitchen - Bedroom
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The Dining Room

Roedde family's painted screensThe folding screens in the dining room were owned by the Roedde family. The designs on the screens reflect the Spanish influence of the 1920s during the Rudolf Valentino craze. Screens were functional and decorative at the same time. People could customize them with their own paintings or drawings, or make needlework or mica inserts.

Ah, the toy collection! This is where my true expertise lies! The doll with the dollypainted felt face was probably made in Germany sometime between 1910 and 1915.marbles All the doll clothes in the dining room toy collection were made by Emma Roedde, daughter of Gustav and Matilda Roedde, from 1900 to 1930. The toys commonly divided along gender lines. Skipping ropes were for girls and jacks was probably more of a girls' pastime, china settoo. Marbles was a boy's game. There were no video games or computers, remember!

The Staffordshire china pink and white tea set was made by a small British firm around 1890, but it looks more Japanese than English. The artwork and the unusual shape of the pieces create the oriental feel. Other details,watercolour by Mr. Parr like the raised borders, reflect the ornamental Rococo style of 18th century France. This tea set is a good example of Victorian marketing creativity. It has a unique design, but it's so attractive and useful that it appealed to a lot of different people!tea urn

The watercolour on the west wall was painted by Mr. Parr, an architect in the local firm of Fee & Parr. The house in the picture stood on the edge of Stanley Park. The Tea Urn is brass but might have been silver plated at one time. It was made in England, circa 1810 to 1820, and was a donation to the restored Roedde house.

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