Creating your own website is not as hard as you might think. In fact, it is fairly easy.

You need to start with an idea ... what do you want the theme of your website to be?

you can create a site about:
- yourself and your friends
- your favorite basketball team
- the music you like
- the messy state of your sock drawer
You can make a site about anything!

After you come up with an idea, here are some websites that will teach you how to make a page. It can be tough to figure out at first, but with a little practice it will become easy.

Making Your Site

One of the best articles on how to make a webpage:
The I've-Always-Wanted-One-But-Didn't-Know-How Guide to Getting Your Own Web Page
Here are a few others:
Webmonkey for Kids
Create Your Own Website

Pictures for Your Site

You also need images for your site. You can scan in photos or pictures if you have a scanner, otherwise there are a couple of sites that have clip art you can download for your site.

Kids Domain Free Clip Art
Clip Art Universe
Free Clip Art
Weird Clip Art

Hosting Your Site

There are lots of free places to put your site now that you have made it. Following is a few sites that will host your page for free. Go to the provider's website and read the detailed instructions on how to set up a web page on their server. Remember, this is 100% free!

Some popular providers are:

Good luck and let us know when you make your site!

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