Hey, are you a good detective? Put your skills to work, and see if you can figure out where these hidden treasures are! Read the clues below, and then search for the answers and hidden objects in the website. You can look anywhere in the website for them - look hard, some of them are tricky!

You'll need a piece of paper and a pencil to write your answers down, so you can compare them to the answer key at the end. When you finish, we have a special surprise for you!

1 This face belongs in a painting! Which Sister is the artist, and what did she call this painting?
2 Fossils, grass skirts, and a headhunter's sword - an interesting place to go if you're bored! Solve the riddle.(hint: There are many other things on display here! What is it?)
3 This little fountain is a one-of-a-kind! Take a stroll through the grounds and see what you find (hint: wander towards the arboretum!).
4 Travel to Victoria back in 1858 - find out what kind of building the original St. Ann's school was! Look in the courtyard.
5 Mother Mary Ann who founded the Sisters of St. Ann, grew up in this place where winters are freezing! Where is it?
6 If you were a student at St. Ann's, you might have visitors in this parlour room. Look in the Interpretive Centre.
7 In 1886, this new part of the building was designed by Father Michaud. It was moved to St. Ann's Academy by being raised onto log skids and hauled by horses. (Hint: it's where Mass was held)
8 A letter was received from this famous political leader, asking to withdraw his daughters from the school. What was his name? Visit the Students Section.
9 This little book was a birthday gift from the students to their friend (hint: you'll find it in the 1910 Addition, among many items on display).
10 Many students at St. Ann's came from distant countries. Find the book where the Sisters kept track of these countries, and list three of the countries you find in this book.
11 This place, forbidden to students, held a tempting fruit that one girl just couldn't resist (hint: No picking allowed!) What part of the grounds is this?
12 Solve the riddle: Sitting placed upon the ground, is where, today, some stones are found. Should you dig beneath these stones, you might come upon someone's bones! Where is this place?
13 Another riddle: Somewhere in the school there's a castle that can be found. It's not on the wall, and it's not on the ground. Where is it exactly? (hint: visit this place where many plays and concerts were held).
14 Which item in the museum was the first of its kind to be found in BC?
15 Visit the 1910 Addition and find the reading room (it has several names) that was dedicated to a former student. What was the former student's name?
16 Go to the Gates and find out what other name Humboldt Street was called for a number of years, and who was this name for?
17 After Mass, the Father (or Priest) would go to this place for bacon and eggs! It's a parlour but which one ...
18 Some of the little girls believed the Novices were rising up to visit the angels whenever they climbed this (hint: you could slide down a banister here).
19 Find the velvet furniture, and the chair with carved dog's heads for arms! Which room were they in? This room has two names.
20 Visit the Interpretive Centre (East Block, 1886) and find out what influences are seen in the architecture.
Bonus Question: Take a stroll along the Alleé. What are the two tallest trees on the grounds of St. Ann's (name the type)? Where did they come from? How old are they approximately?

Click here to see the answers

Wait until you are all done, you don't want to cheat and have an angry Sister after you, do you?!

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