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Fort Albany


We left the English River post early on Monday morning, and reached the mouth of the river at 6 p.m. Coming again into the Albany, we met a number of Marten Falls Indians who had not been paid, and who had been camped at the mouth of the river, expecting the commission. After being paid, they camped on the shore near us, and next morning proceeded on their way to Marten Falls, with their York boats laden with goods from Fort Albany. The next day a party of Albany Indians were paid at the mouth of Cheepy river, and the post itself was reached on the morning of August 3, at 9.30. Here the commissioners had the advantage of receiving much assistance from Mr. G. W. Cockram, who was just leaving the post on his way to England, and Mr. A. W. Patterson, who had just taken charge in his stead.

In the afternoon the chief men selected by the Indians were convened in a large room in the Hudson's Bay Company's store, and an interesting and satisfactory conversation followed. The explanations that had been given at the other points were repeated here, and two of the Indians, Arthur Wesley and Wm. Goodwin, spoke at some length, expressing on their own behalf and on behalf of their comrades the pleasure they felt upon being brought into the treaty and the satisfaction they experienced on receiving such generous treatment from the Crown. Some of the Indians were away at their hunting grounds at Attawapiskat river, and it was thought advisable to postpone the election of chiefs until next year. The Indians were paid on August 4 and 5.

During the afternoon the Hudson's Bay Company's steamer Innenew arrived, with the Right Rev. George Holmes, the Anglican Bishop of Moosonee, on board.

On Saturday the Indians feasted and presented the commissioners with an address written in Cree syllabic, of which the following is a translation:

"From our hearts we thank thee, O Great Chief, as thou hast pitied us and given us temporal help. We are very poor and weak. He (the Great Chief) has taken us over, here in our own country, through you (his servants).

"Therefore from our hearts we thank thee, very much, and pray for thee to Our Father in heaven. Thou hast helped us in our poverty.

"Every day we pray, trusting that we may be saved through a righteous life; and for thee we shall ever pray that thou mayest be strong in God's strength and by His assistance." And we trust that it may ever be with us as it is now; we and our children will in the church of God now and ever thank Jesus.

"Again we thank you (commissioners) from our hearts."

Fort Albany is an important post of the Hudson's Bay Company, and here there are two flourishing missions, one of the Roman Catholic and one of the Church of England. Father Fafard has established a large boarding school, which accommodates 20 Indian pupils in charge of the Grey Nuns from the parent house at Ottawa. Here assistance is given to sick Indians in the hospital ward, and a certain number of aged people who cannot travel with their relatives are supported each winter. The church and presbytery are commodious and well built, and the whole mission has an air of prosperity and comfort. The celebration of mass was well attended on Sunday. The Church of England mission is also in a flourishing condition. The large church was well filled for all Sunday services conducted by Bishop Holmes, and the Indians took an intelligent part in the services.



Start of Journey, Dinorwic


Fort Hope

Marten Falls

English River

Fort Albany

Moose Factory

New Post

End of Journey, Ottawa


Start of Journey, Ottawa




Flying Post

Ojibeways of Chapleau

Moose Factory Crees-Chapleau

New Brunswick House

Long Lake

End of Journey, Heron Bay


Running the rapids, Albany River.
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Running the rapids, Albany River.

Hudson's Bay House, Fort Albany.
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Hudson's Bay House, Fort Albany.

Huskies, Fort Albany.
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Huskies, Fort Albany.
Mrs. Patterson, Fort Albany.
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Mrs. Patterson, Fort Albany.