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Marten Falls


Fort Hope was left on the morning of July 21, and after passing through Lake Eabamet the Albany was reached again, and after three days' travel we arrived at Marten Falls at 7.35 on the morning of Tuesday, July 25.

This is an important post of the Hudson's Bay Company, in charge of Mr. Samuel Iserhoff. A number of Indians were awaiting the arrival of the commission. The first glance at the Indians served to convince that they were not equal in physical development to those at Osnaburg or Fort Hope, and the comparative poverty of their hunting grounds may account for this fact.

The necessary business at this post was transacted on the 25th. The treaty, after due explanation, was signed and the payment made immediately. Shortly before the feast the Indians elected their chief, Wm. Whitehead, and two councillors, Wm. Coaster and Long Tom Ostamas.

At the feast Chief Whitehead made an excellent speech, in which he described the benefits that would follow the treaty and his gratitude to the King and the government for extending a helping and protecting hand to the Indians.

The reserve was fixed at a point opposite the post and is described fully in the schedule of reserves.

The commodious Roman Catholic church situated on the high bank of the river overlooking the Hudson's Bay Company's buildings was the most conspicuous object at this post.



Start of Journey, Dinorwic


Fort Hope

Marten Falls

English River

Fort Albany

Moose Factory

New Post

End of Journey, Ottawa


Start of Journey, Ottawa




Flying Post

Ojibeways of Chapleau

Moose Factory Crees-Chapleau

New Brunswick House

Long Lake

End of Journey, Heron Bay


Marten Falls, Albany River.
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Marten Falls, Albany River.