Community Information Journey  

Map Journey          Treaty #9          Duncan Campbell Scott           Credits           Links



On the morning of the 13th the long and difficult portage between Quinze lake and North Timiskaming was crossed, and at the latter place the boat was taken for Haileybury. Latchford was reached by the Timiskaming and Northern Ontario railway on the afternoon of the 14th. The crew, consisting of five men from Temagami and a number of Indians from Matachewan post, including Michel Baptiste, who was afterwards elected chief, assembled late in the afternoon, and on the morning of the 15th we left by way of Montreal river for Matachewan. The post at Matachewan was reached on the afternoon of June 19, after a difficult journey owing to the numerous rapids in the river and the height of the water. Matachewan is beautifully situated at a point on the Montreal river upon high grounds; the lofty shores of the stream are thickly wooded.

A conference was held with the Indians on the afternoon of the 20th. As usual, the terms of the treaty were fully explained, and an opportunity given the Indians to ask any questions regarding any matter on which further information was desired. Michel Baptiste, on behalf of the Indians, said that the terms of the treaty were very satisfactory to them, and that they were ready to have representatives of the band sign at once. The treaty was therefore signed and witnessed with all due formality.

Payments were made on the 21st to the 79 Indians. The election for a chief resulted in Michel Baptiste being chosen for that position, and at the feast in the evening he was presented with a flag and a copy of the treaty.

The location of the reserve desired by the Indians received careful consideration, and no objection can, it is thought, be taken to the site finally decided upon.

Arrangements have been made for leaving Matachewan early in the morning of the 23rd, but a heavy rain-storm prevented our doing so before half-past four in the afternoon.















Start of Journey, Dinorwic


Fort Hope

Marten Falls

English River

Fort Albany

Moose Factory

New Post

End of Journey, Ottawa


Start of Journey, Ottawa




Flying Post

Ojibeways of Chapleau

Moose Factory Crees-Chapleau

New Brunswick House

Long Lake

End of Journey, Heron Bay


Encampment, Fort Matachewan.
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Encampment, Fort Matachewan.

Family, Fort Matachewan.
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Family, Fort Matachewan.

At Fort Matachewan.
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At Fort Matachewan.

The Belle of Fort Matachewan.
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The Belle of Fort Matachewan.

Chief Michel & wife, Fort Matachewan.
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Chief Michel & wife, Fort Matachewan.