Community Information Journey  

Map Journey          Treaty #9          Duncan Campbell Scott           Credits           Links



Accordingly, to meet and conclude negotiations with these Indians, the commissioners left Ottawa on May 22. Some changes in the party had of necessity to be made. Mr. T. C. Rae, who last year had charge of transportation, was unable to accompany the commission. In his place Mr. Pelham Edgar, of Toronto, who acted as secretary, was added to the party. The services of Mr. J. L. Vanasse, Dominion police constable, were alone retained, as, owing to promotion, Mr. Parkinson could not be detailed for the work. With these exceptions the personnel of the party was the same as last year.



Start of Journey, Dinorwic


Fort Hope

Marten Falls

English River

Fort Albany

Moose Factory

New Post

End of Journey, Ottawa


Start of Journey, Ottawa




Flying Post

Ojibeways of Chapleau

Moose Factory Crees-Chapleau

New Brunswick House

Long Lake

End of Journey, Heron Bay