They served for freedom
Site map
Korean Conflict
Royal Canadian Legion
Veterans Club
Ladies Auxiliary
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Canadian flag


Royal Canadian Legion logo

The construction of this web site was made possible thanks to financial assistance from Industry Canada and their "Canada Digital Collections" program.
This program affords youth in both rural and city communities across Canada an opportunity to gain valuable multimedia and Internet authoring experience while enhancing Canadian content on the World Wide Web.
A special thank you to their support team.

The War Veterans Club of the Royal Canadian Legion branch #17 Wellington would like to acknowledge and express their gratitude to all who made this project a reality.

To the Wellington Royal Canadian Legion, our sincere thanks for having accepted to participate in this project and have given us the permission to use information, photos and archives available at the Legion. Thank you to manager and Executive members.
Thank you to the Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Command for the permission to use the Legion and poppy logos.
Club president, M Albert Arsenault Sr. for his continued help and support.
The Ladies Auxiliaries for their assistance.

A very special thank you to the firm Progressive Insights Inc. for their expertise, technical support and the numerous work hours for the construction of this site.
Thank you for the use of their equipment and office space.

Thank you to the youth hired for this project. Their dedication and hard work have greatly contributed to the success of this project.

Daniel Arsenault  (project coordinator)
Sylvie Chiasson   (graphic and web pages designer)
Marc Jubainville  (web pages designer)

To all a sincere thank you,

the Wellington Legion War Veterans Club