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Smoking is recognized as the single most significant—and preventable—cause of illness and death in the industrialized world.

Although most Canadians have never smoked, there are still more than 6.5 million smokers aged 12 and over in Canada. In 2000, about 28% of men and 24% of women smoked daily or occasionally.

Even so, some positive trends are emerging among Canadian smokers. Of the 6.7 million smokers aged 12 and over in 1994/95, 24% of them had quit by 2000/01. The highest incidence of quitting was for those aged 20 to 34, with 28% quitting. Those aged 12 to 19 and aged 65 and over had the lowest incidence of quitting, at 19%.

Table - Percentage of smokers in the population, by provinces   Table - People who quit smoking, provinces

Smoking affects non-smokers, too. Second-hand smoke has been linked to cancers and heart disease in non-smokers. It has been identified as a factor in the development of asthma in children, and in the severity of asthma attacks. A recent study also suggests that second-hand smoke may increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Chart - Daily smokers, 2001


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  Date published: 2003-05-26 Important Notices
  Date modified: 2004-09-01
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