National Energy Board
What's New
- 2013-08-02
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - May 2013
- 2013-08-02
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - May 2013
- 2013-07-31
Canadian Energy Overview 2012 - Energy Briefing Note - July 2013
- 2013-07-31
Board Decisions… At the Click of a Mouse
The NEB has launched a new web page that makes it easy to search for, sort and view Board proceedings.
The "Recent Decisions" page features a sortable table that list Board decisions from October of 2011 onward. By simply clicking on the column headers, users can sort the Board’s regulatory documents by date, company, type of proceeding and filing identification number, in ascending or descending order.
- 2013-07-30
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-07-29
Chair returns from journey through the Beaufort-Delta region
Chair and CEO, Gaétan Caron, and a small staff team completed the last leg of their journey into the Beaufort-Delta by visiting Shingle Point on the shores of the Beaufort Sea, northwest of the Mackenzie Delta.
This traditional gathering site is where the Inuvialuit hold their annual summer games. Besides participating in some of the competitions, notably the "dizzy stick" game, Gaétan Caron and staff met with people who had traveled long distances in small boats, some from as far away as Alaska, to be together celebrating their way of life. At the base of a whale lookout structure, proudly flying a Canadian flag, a community feast was prepared over open fires.
A detailed report outlining what they learned during this journey will be posted under the What's New section on the Board's website in September.

Gaétan Caron and National Energy Board Northern Engagement Specialist, Susan Gudgeon, visit with Annie B. Gordon, an Elder from Aklavik, in her Shingle Point camp, a place she has been coming to since being a small child. She spoke of Elders passing on their knowledge and how the Inuvialuit have always lived in harmony with the land, water and animals. Her stories reminded them of what they have often heard in the North, that "if you take care of the land, the land will take care of you".
- 2013-07-29
Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC. - Trans Mountain Expansion
NEB Releases List of Issues for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project
- 2013-07-29
Pacific NorthWest LNG Ltd. - Notice of Application and Comment Period
Pacific NorthWest LNG Ltd. filed an application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) pursuant to Section 117 of the National Energy Board Act. Impacted persons may submit views on the merits of the application by 4 September 2013. Please see [Filing A53130] for more information on submitting views to the Board.
- 2013-07-29
Presentation - A Regulator’s Perspective on Arctic Energy Development - Panel Session: Energy Development in the Arctic -
32nd USAEE/IAEE North American Conference Anchorage, Alaska - Roland George
- 2013-07-26
Chair visits Herschel Island and Ivvavik National Park of Canada
On the second leg of their journey visiting sites of value to the Inuvialuit people, Chair and CEO Gaétan Caron and a small team of NEB staff traveled to Herschel Island and Ivvavik National Park of Canada to see firsthand the kind of places the NEB is required to protect as it regulates oil and gas development in the Beaufort-Delta.

Richard Gordon, Senior Park Ranger of Herschel Island, takes Gaétan Caron on a tour of Pauline Cove, Herschel Island, a place of historical and cultural significance to the Inuvialuit people. Inuvialuit have been using this area for generations.
In the background, a seismic ship along a backdrop of grave markers of the Inuvialuit people, Northwest Mounted Police and American whalers. This view was a reminder of the delicate balance the Inuvialuit people have struck during their long history between their own traditional way of life and outside influences.
- Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-07-19
Letter and Order CO-001-2013 to Imperial Oil Resources Ltd. - Norman Wells Flowline Leaks
- 2013-07-26
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2013
- 2013-07-25
Pipeline Incidents: Spills of Hydrocarbon Liquids
In our recently released annual report to Canadians, the National Energy Board provided safety information relating to our regulated pipelines and facilities. This included a detailed list of all incidents considered reportable under the National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR). Reported incidents are not limited to liquid spills. They can also include fires, equipment failures, security issues or the operation of a pipeline beyond its design limits.
Pipeline safety and the development of natural resources in a responsible and sustainable way are top of mind for Canadians. The public is asking for more information on how regulated companies are performing, specifically in the areas of safety and environmental protection. The NEB is listening and working to provide clear and accurate information on important issues such as liquid spills.
- 2013-07-25
Chair completes first leg of journey through the Beaufort-Delta Region
Chair and CEO, Gaétan Caron, and a small team of National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) staff have completed the first leg of their journey into the Beaufort-Delta.
They traveled by boat from Inuvik to Baby Island, stopping along the way at traditional Inuvialuit whaling camps to meet families harvesting resources from the land and the Beaufort Sea. They heard stories about the importance of the traditional way of life to the Inuvialuit people. They were reminded of the importance of protecting the people, their communities and the resources of the land as the NEB carries out its responsibilities as the safety and environmental
watchdog of energy development in the North.

Clara Day speaks with Mr. Caron at Whitefish Station after sharing a traditional Inuvialuit meal. She spoke fondly of being on the land from the time she was a child. She passes on the language of the Inuvialuit and the traditional skills she learned from her ancestors to her grandchildren and great grandchildren.
- 2013-07-24
Career Opportunities
- Technical Writer - French Translator, NEB-08 and NEB-09, People and Communications Services/Communications
- 2013-07-23
Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) pursuant to Section 117 of the National Energy Board Act [Filing A53032]
- 2013-07-23
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-07-23
Prince Rupert LNG Exports Limited
Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) pursuant to Section 117 of the National Energy Board Act [Filing A53011]
- 2013-07-22
TransCanada PipeLines Limited
Today the Board issued its Reasons for Decision for dismissing the Review and Variance Application [Filing A51699] filed by TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TransCanada) on 1 May 2013. The Board released its decision on 11 June 2013 and indicated that its reasons for doing so would follow. [Filing A53024]
- 2013-07-22
News Release - Funding Available to Participate in the NEB's Regulatory Process Regarding the Trans Mountain Expansion Project
- 2013-07-22
Chair and CEO to visit traditional and sacred Inuvialuit sites in the Mackenzie Delta and on the shores of the Beaufort Sea

- 2013-07-17
National Energy Board Management System and Protection Program Audit Protocol
With the issuance of the National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations on 10 April 2013, the National Energy Board has updated its Audit Protocol. The OPR now explicitly requires all companies to have management systems for:
- the safety and security of the public and the company’s employees;
- the safety and security of the pipeline; and
- the protection of property and the environment.
Companies must apply their management systems to all activities involving the design, construction, operation or abandonment of a pipeline, and to their protection programs for safety, environment, integrity, pipeline crossings, public awareness, emergency management and security. In addition, companies are now required to appoint an accountable officer who has the appropriate authority over the company’s human and financial resources to enable the company to meet its obligations for safety, security and protection of the environment.
The NEB’s updated Audit Protocol reflects these OPR requirements. The Board utilizes a number of methods for assessing compliance with regulatory requirements. One such method is an audit, which would be based on this Audit Protocol.
- 2013-07-16
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-07-15
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports and Imports, and Imports of Liquefied Natural Gas - May 2013
- 2013-07-15
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 19 July from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 22 July, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2013-07-12
Set-Aside and Collection Mechanisms - MH-001-2013
Application to Participate Public Workshop
- 2013-07-11
News Release - National Energy Board Denies Application for Priority Destination Designation
- 2013-07-11
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - July 2013
- 2013-07-11
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - May 2013
- 2013-07-10
Flood Update: Pipeline Safety & Environmental Protection
The National Energy Board has been actively monitoring the impacts of flooding in Southern Alberta to ensure the continued safety of its regulated pipelines. There have been no product releases on any NEB-regulated pipelines as a result of flooding.
The NEB requires its regulated companies to proactively identify and mitigate any potential hazards associated with their pipelines. This includes the effects of infrequent but potentially high consequence events such as extreme flooding.
Companies with pipelines in areas affected by flooding continue to monitor their systems and take action where appropriate. There have been reported impacts from the flood involving exposed pipelines caused by erosion or rerouting of waterways. These occurrences are currently being addressed. The NEB requires this work be completed in a manner that complies with the NEB’s enhanced Onshore Pipeline Regulations, designed to protect the safety of people and the environment.
For inquiries, please contact:
Rebecca Taylor
- 2013-07-09
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-07-09
Filing Manual
NEB releases an update to the Filing Manual - Filing Manual Update 2013-02
This release covers minor housekeeping amendments as outlined in the concordance document.
- 2013-07-09
Electricity Filing Manual
NEB releases an update to the Electricity Filing Manual - Electricity Filing Manual Update 2013-01
This release covers minor housekeeping amendments as outlined in the concordance document
- 2013-07-09
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-04-15
Resume Work Order to The City of Boucherville to Lift Order MJS-003-2012
- 2013-07-08
Statistics - Updated to March 2013
- Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
- Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
- Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2013-07-08
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-01-15
Resume Work Order to Les Entreprises Nord-Construction (1962) Inc. to Lift Order MJS-004-2012
- 2013-07-04
Next Steps - Proposed Changes to NEB Regulations for Damage Prevention
The National Energy Board has posted the written comments received on the Discussion Paper proposing changes to NEB regulations for damage prevention. The comments reflected general support for clarifying certain elements in the NEB’s Damage Prevention Regulations. The NEB will proceed with a Notice of Proposed Regulatory Change, which is anticipated to be available for public comment by Fall 2013.
- 2013-07-03
Amendments to the National Energy Board Act (NEB Act) and the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act (COGOA) - Navigable Waters
As a result of the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act amendments have been made to the National Energy Board Act (NEB Act) and the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act (COGOA). These changes will require the National Energy Board (NEB) to consider project effects on navigation and navigation safety for NEB-regulated pipeline and power line crossings of navigable waters before recommendations or decisions are made under s. 52 and 58 of the NEB Act and s. 5.1 of COGOA.
To ensure an effective transition of these responsibilities between Transport Canada and the NEB, the organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that describes the co-operative relationship between the organizations as well as providing guidance on when a project is regulated by the NEB or Transport Canada.
For more information, please refer to the FAQs on Navigable Waters.
- 2013-07-03
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - April 2013
- 2013-07-03
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - April 2013
- 2013-07-03
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-04-15
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Alternative Power Source Corrective Action Plan
- 2013-07-03
Power Line Crossing Regulations
Regulations Amending the Power Line Crossing Regulations
Regulations Amending the Power Line Crossing Regulations, SOR/2012-238, come into force on 3 July 2013.
- 2013-07-02
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-06-28
Emergency Information for NEB Staff
- 2013-06-27
Emergency Information for NEB Staff
- 2013-06-27
The National Energy Board is open June 27 and 28 but offering only minimal services to the public at our building. These include mail and record services, reception and library services. For our clients, our electronic systems remain operational and you may still e-file applications or submissions. Major hearings and applications have not been affected. We expect to be fully operational on July 2nd. Our Emergency Operations Center remains operational and we are monitoring pipelines under our jurisdiction and they remain safe.
- 2013-06-27
National Energy Board Responds to Discovery of Contaminated Soil North of Hope, BC
- 2013-06-26
Administrative Monetary Penalties
The NEB AMP Regulations have been approved and will come into force on 3 July 2013. A copy of the final Regulations can be found here.
- 2013-06-26
Emergency Information for NEB Staff
- 2013-06-26
The National Energy Board will be open June 27 and 28 but offering only minimal services to the public at our building. These include mail and record services, reception and library services. For our clients, our electronic systems remain operational and you may still e-file applications or submissions. Major hearings and applications have not been affected. We expect to be fully operational on July 2nd. Our Emergency Operations Center remains operational and we are monitoring pipelines under our jurisdiction and they remain safe.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Paul Lackhoff
- 2013-06-25
Emergency Information for NEB Staff
- 2013-06-25
The National Energy Board will be closed Wednesday, June 26. While our offices were unaffected by the flooding in Calgary, we are staying out of the downtown core to assist the City’s recovery efforts. For our clients, our systems remain operational and you may still e-file applications or submissions. Major hearings and applications have not been affected. Our Emergency Operations Center remains operational and we are monitoring pipelines under our jurisdiction and they remain safe.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Paul Lackhoff
- 2013-06-24
Emergency Information for NEB Staff
- 2013-06-24
The National Energy Board will be closed Tuesday, June 25th. While our offices have been unaffected by the flooding in Calgary, we are respecting the City’s request for people to stay out of the downtown core. For our clients, our systems remain operational and you may still e-file applications or submissions. Major hearings and applications have not been affected. Our Emergency Operations Center remains operational and we are monitoring pipelines under our jurisdiction and they remain safe.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Paul Lackhoff
Rebecca Taylor
- 2013-06-23
Emergency Information for NEB Staff
- 2013-06-23
The National Energy Board will be closed Monday, June 24th. While our offices have been unaffected by the flooding in Calgary, we are respecting the City’s request for people to stay out of the downtown core. For our clients, our systems remain operational and you may still e-file applications or submissions. Major hearings and applications have not been affected. Our Emergency Operations Center remains operational and we are monitoring pipelines under our jurisdiction and they remain safe.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Paul Lackhoff
Rebecca Taylor
- 2013-06-21
NEB Actively Monitoring the Flood Situation
The National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) has activated its Emergency Operations Centre and is monitoring the high water and flooding situation in Southern Alberta around the clock. No NEB-regulated pipelines have been affected by the flooding at this time.
The NEB requires regulated companies to anticipate, prevent, manage and mitigate any potentially dangerous conditions associated with their pipelines. To this end, companies with pipelines in potentially affected areas are monitoring and taking preventative action where appropriate.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Paul Lackhoff
Rebecca Taylor
- 2013-06-21
Career Opportunities
- Strategic Leader, Business Integration
- 2013-06-20
Minister Joe Oliver has today announced the appointment of two new permanent Board Members to the National Energy Board (NEB). Minister Oliver has appointed Mr. Shane Parrish, effective 6 August 2013 and Mr. Don Young, effective 3 September 2013, both for a term of seven years. [More]
- 2013-06-18
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-06-18
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-05-30
Resume Work Order to BC Hydro to Lift Order KAR-001 2013
- 2013-06-18
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 21 June from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 24 June, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2013-06-17
Statistics - 2013 Q1 Estimated Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Type and Destination
- 2013-06-14
Career Opportunities
- Counsel, Legal Services
- 2013-06-13
National Energy Board Responds to Crude Oil Release west of Merritt, BC
- 2013-06-12
Presentation - National Energy Board Update - Roland George
- 2013-06-11
National Energy Board Responds to Crude Oil Release in Sarnia, Ontario
- 2013-06-11
Career Opportunities
- ATIP and Executive Support Officer, Secretary and Regulatory Services
- 2013-06-11
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-06-10
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-04-18
- Order SR-001-2013 to Canadian Natural Resources pursuant to Section 51.1 of the National Energy Board Act
- Letter and Order SG-D081-01-2013 to DR Four Beat Energy Corp. - Knappen Border Pipeline and Associated Facilities
- 2013-06-10
NEB Releases Enbridge Control Room Inspection Report
- 2013-06-10
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports and Imports, and Imports of Liquefied Natural Gas - April 2013
- 2013-06-10
Career Opportunities
- Records Analyst, Archives,
Information Management Services, Corporate and Information Solutions
- 2013-06-07
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - April 2013
- 2013-06-06
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - June 2013
- 2013-06-06
Statistics - Updated to February 2013
- Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
- Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
- Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2013-06-06
Filing Manual
NEB releases an update to the Filing Manual - Filing Manual Update 2013-01
This release covers minor housekeeping amendments as outlined in the concordance document.
- 2013-06-05
Career Opportunities
- Emergency Management Specialist, Operations - Emergency Management and Security
- 2013-06-05
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-06-03
Letter and Order SO-E101-004-2013 to Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Line 2 Overpressure Incidents at the Edmonton Terminal
- 2013-06-05
Presentation - National Energy Board - 2013 Safety Forum - Gaétan Caron
- 2013-06-04
National Energy Board hosts 2013 Safety Forum focussing on Emerging Issues in Oil and Gas Industry Safety Management
- 2013-06-04
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-06-03
Media Advisory - National Energy Board 2013 Safety Forum: Emerging Issues in Oil and Gas Industry Safety Management
- 2013-05-30
The NEB will be experiencing a high volume of electronic filings on Friday, May 31st, 2013 which may result in longer than usual processing times. Thank-you for your patience.
If your item is urgent, you may consider submitting it by fax.
Fax: 403-292-5503
Toll-free fax: 1-877-288-8803
- 2013-05-29
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-05-23
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Lifting of the Pressure Restriction on Line 2
- 2013-05-29
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - March 2013
- 2013-05-29
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - March 2013
- 2013-05-28
Proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties - Draft Process Guide
- 2013-05-28
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-05-24
Career Opportunities
- Technical Writer - French, Communications, People and Communication
- 2013-05-24
Trans Mountain Expansion Project
A Project Description for the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project has been filed by Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC
- 2013-05-23
Canadians Won’t Pay More at the Pumps This Summer - Gasoline Prices Predicted To Be Similar to Last Year’s Prices
- 2013-05-23
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 24 May from 6:00 p.m. until Saturday, 25 May, 6:00 p.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2013-05-23
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-05-06
Resume Work Order to Rokstad Power Corporation to lift Order KAR-002-2013
- 2013-05-21
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-05-16
NEB Approves Trans Mountain Toll Methodology for Proposed Expanded System
- 2013-05-15
Safety Forum 2013
Registration for the NEB Safety Forum has exceeded expectations. Due to capacity limitations registration is now closed. This also means we are unable to accept walk-in registrations at the event. However, if you wish to have your name placed on a waiting list please forward an email to Rumu Sen at
- 2013-05-14
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
Career Opportunities
- Administrative Assistant, Applications Business Unit
- 2013-05-13
Draft Financial Viability and Financial Responsibility Guidelines
The National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) published the Arctic Offshore Drilling Review (Arctic Review) report in December 2011 after consultation with Northerners, environmental groups, industry and other stakeholders. During the course of the Arctic Review, the NEB heard that additional clarity was sought on Financial Responsibility requirements for all NEB-authorized activities in regions covered by the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act.
The Board is currently seeking comments on the Draft Financial Viability and Financial Responsibility Guidelines (Guidelines) from all interested persons, no later than 31 October 2013
- 2013-05-13
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports and Imports, and Imports of Liquefied Natural Gas - March 2013
- 2013-05-13
Statistics - Updated to January 2013
- Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
- Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
- Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2013-05-09
National Energy Board expects a holding pattern for Canada's natural gas producers
- 2013-05-08
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - March 2013
- 2013-05-08
Career Opportunities
- Technical Specialist Cyber Security, Corporate and Information Solutions
- 2013-05-08
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - May 2013
- 2013-05-07
Policy, Politics and Regulation - Canadian Association of Members of Public Utility Tribunals - Gaétan Caron
- 2013-05-07
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-05-06
Set-Aside and Collection Mechanisms for Abandonment Funding information sessions scheduled
Group 2 company participation [Filing A51741]
- 2013-05-06
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-05-02
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - NEB Response to Corrective Action Plan for National Energy Board - Order SO-E101-001-2013
- 2013-04-25
Career Opportunities
- Strategic Leader - Administrator, Regulatory Group
- 2013-05-01
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2012 and 2013
- 2012-04-30
The National Energy Board's 2012 Annual Report has been tabled in Parliament by the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources. You can download the entire report from our website.
- 2013-04-30
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-04-30
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - February 2013
- 2013-04-30
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - February 2013
- 2013-04-25
Career Opportunities
- GIS Analyst, Corporate and Information Solutions, Information Technology Services
- 2013-04-23
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-04-23
Chair and CEO, Gaétan Caron, returns from Beaufort- Delta
Chair and CEO, Gaétan Caron, joined by a small team of National Energy Board (NEB) staff have returned from a visit to the six Beaufort-Delta communities of Inuvik, Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk, Paulatuk, Ulukhaktok and Sachs Harbour. In keeping with the NEB's commitment made at the conclusion of Arctic Review, the team spoke about the role of the NEB as the Arctic’s safety and environmental protection watchdog, updated communities on industry plans to apply to the NEB for permits to drill in the Beaufort Sea, and shared information about how to engage and participate in the NEB's process. The group also met with youth in high schools to hear their unique perspective. This was the Chair’s third annual visit to the area since 2010.

Gaétan and Frank Pokiak, Chair of the Inuvialuit Game Council,
listen to questions from members of the community in
Ulukhaktok on 18 April 2013. A watchful hybrid grizzly/polar bear
(known as a grolar bear) in the background reminds
of the importance of the land to the people and
during discussions around potential oil and gas activities
in the Beaufort-Delta.
- 2013-04-22
Career Opportunities
- Geomatics Student, Corporate and Information Solutions, Information Technology Services
- 2013-04-19
News Release - Funding Requirements for Pipeline Abandonment to be the Focus of Upcoming NEB Hearing
- 2013-04-18
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
- 2013-04-18
Career Opportunities
- Human Resources Student, Operations
- 2013-04-17
Safety and Environmental Compliance - 2013-03-22
Enbridge Pipeline (NW) Inc. (Enbridge) reported incidents in February and March 2013
- 2013-04-17
Land Matters Consultation Initiative
Final Progress Report for Streams 1, 2 and 4 [Filing A51359]
- 2013-04-16
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-04-16
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Project - OH-002-2013
NEB Letter about Process for Letters of Comment and Application to Participate Form [Filing A51323]
- 2013-04-16
Set-Aside and Collection Mechanisms for Abandonment Funding information sessions scheduled [Filing A51299]
- 2013-04-15
NEB Chair Visits Beaufort-Delta communities
After completing the Arctic Offshore Drilling Review, the National Energy Board (NEB) committed to continuing the dialogue with Northerners. Chair and CEO, Gaétan Caron, along with a small team of NEB staff, is visiting all six communities in the Beaufort-Delta region: Inuvik, Tuktoyaktuk, Aklavik, Paulatuk, Ulukhaktok, and Sachs Harbour. During the visit, they will hear from Northerners as they prepare to get involved in anticipated industry applications for offshore drilling in the Beaufort Sea.

Gaétan Caron, Chair and CEO with Ms. Nellie Cournoyea,
Chair and CEO of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation,
who is accompanying the NEB
to some of the communities.
The NEB is also joined by Frank Pokiak,
of the
Inuvialuit Game Council.
- 2013-04-15
Career Opportunities
- Market Analyst
- 2013-04-11
Electricity Exports Authorizations (current to 31 March 2013)
- 2013-04-10
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - April 2013
- 2013-04-10
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - February 2013
- 2013-04-10
National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations
News Release - NEB Onshore Pipeline Regulations Strengthened
The National Energy Board’s Regulations Amending the Onshore Pipeline Regulations, 1999 (Regulations) were published today in the Canada Gazette, Part II. The Regulations clarify requirements for federally regulated pipelines regarding management systems for the purpose of protecting the public, workers and the environment.
- 2013-04-10
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-04-09
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - January 2013
- 2013-04-09
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - January 2013
- 2013-04-07
Career Opportunities
- Regulatory Financial Analyst/ Economist
- 2013-04-04
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Project - OH-002-2013
Procedural Update No. 1 - List of Issues and Application to Participate form [Filing A51151]
- 2013-04-04
Enbridge Pipelines Inc., Request for Time Extension, Corrective Action Plan to Address Non-Compliances with subsection 12(a) of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations 1999 (OPR-99) and Clause of CSA Standard Z662-11 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems (CSA Z662-11)
- 2013-04-03
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
- 2013-04-03
Career Opportunities
- Mail and Records Clerk
- 2013-04-03
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-04-02
The National Energy Board has posted the written comments received on the Discussion Paper proposing changes to NEB regulations for damage prevention. The comment period ended on 11 February 2013. The NEB appreciates the public input and will consider the comments as it proceeds with regulation drafting.
- 2013-03-28
NEB Report on Plans and Priorities 2013-2014: The NEB’s 2013-2014 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) on its fiscal year plan is now available. The RPP was tabled in Parliament by the President of Treasury Board on March 28th, 2013.
- 2013-03-27
NEB Fixes Multi-Year Tolls for TransCanada Mainline
- Decision enables the Mainline to Remain Competitive
- 2013-03-27
Statistics - Canadian Crude Oil Exports - By Export Transportation System Summary - 5 year trend
- 2013-03-27
Pipeline Performance Measures
The Performance Measures Report Form has been updated with more guidance.
- 2013-03-27
Statistics - Updated to December 2012
- Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Revised Reports: August, September and October 2012
New Reports: November and December 2012
- Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
- Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2013-03-26
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-03-25
FAQs on NEB Protection of Rivers and Other Waterbodies Crossed by Pipelines
- 2013-03-25
Applying to Participate in a Hearing
NEB publishes Section 55.2 Guidance - Participation in a Facilities Hearing
- 2013-03-20
- Statistics - 2013 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent - Update
- 2013-03-20
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-03-19
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 22 March from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 25 March, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2013-03-18
Permanent Board Member Reappointed
I am pleased to inform you of the reappointment of Mr. Roland George as a permanent Board Member of the National Energy Board (NEB or Board) for a term of 7 years. He originally joined the NEB as a permanent Board Member in August 2006.
Mr. George has significant expertise with respect to responsible energy development in Canada and has over 30 years’ experience in the private energy sector.
He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from École des Hautes Études Commerciales, a Master's degree in Economics from Carleton University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from McGill University.
Sheri Young
Secretary of the Board
- 2013-03-18
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports and Imports, and Imports of Liquefied Natural Gas - March 2013
- 2013-03-15
2012 - Total Crude Oil Exports by Destination - Annual
- 2013-03-14
NEB requests additional information on Enbridge’s Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Project application
As part of the National Energy Board’s (NEB) regular hearing process, Information Requests have been submitted to Enbridge Pipelines Inc. requesting additional information on the proposed Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Project. [Filing A50832]
- 2013-03-14
Statistics - 2012 Q4 Estimated Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Type and Destination
- 2013-03-13
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-03-13
Career Opportunities
- Security Advisor, Business Integration Group
- 2013-03-12
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - January 2013
- 2013-03-12
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - March 2013
- 2013-03-11
NEB Announces Public Hearing for Enbridge's Edmonton to Hardisty
- 2013-03-08
We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Jean-Paul Théorêt, Chairman of the Québec Régie de l’energie. Mr. Théorêt died peacefully on March 6 at the age of 76.
Mr. Théorêt was a National Energy Board Member from 1999 to 2002, and served as Vice-Chair of the Board from 2002-2005. He will be remembered as a respected friend and colleague who showed the utmost integrity and commitment in all he did. He lived his long life fully, happy to always be in the eye of the storm right up until the end.
On behalf of National Energy Board, I wish to express our heartfelt sympathies to Mr. Théorêt’s family. Our thoughts are with them during this difficult time.
Gaétan Caron, Chair and CEO of the National Energy Board
Mr. Théorêt’s obituary may be found at
- 2013-03-06
Career Opportunities
- Security Advisor, Business Integration Group
- Technical Specialist, Human Resources
- Planning and Business Analyst, Business Integration / Corporate Performance
- 2013-03-06
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-03-05
NGTL withdraws application
On 8 February 2013, Nova Gas Transmission Ltd (NGTL) notified the National Energy Board (Board) of its decision to withdraw its application of 28 August 2012, for approval to decommission a 266 km section of its Peace River Mainline and associated facilities (PRML).
After reviewing the application, the Board decided to consider the application as one for leave to abandon the operation of a pipeline as described in paragraph 74(1)(d) of the National Energy Board Act. Further explanation of this decision was provided in the Board’s letter to NGTL dated 13 December 2012. [Filing A49792]
As this application is no longer active, please note that the project webpage has been archived.
- 2013-03-04
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - December 2012
- 2013-03-04
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - December 2012
- 2013-03-04
Career Opportunities
- Technical Specialist, Human Resources
- Planning and Business Analyst, Business Integration / Corporate Performance
- 2013-03-01
Renewal of Memorandum of Understanding
between the First Nation Tax Commission
and the National Energy Board

C.T. (Manny) Jules, Chief Commissioner, First Nations Tax Commission
and Gaétan Caron, Chair/CEO of the National Energy Board,
sign a Memorandum of Understanding.
The National Energy Board has renewed its memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC). "The National Energy Board looks forward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with the FNTC and gain additional insights into the energy industry and First Nations taxation," said Gaétan Caron. "This renewal will build on our ongoing commitment to engage in meaningful dialogue and share best practices with the aim of continually improving how we fulfill our respective mandates." The MOU will also increase mutual understanding of the aspirations of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples, their history and their vision of Canada’s energy future and economic development.
- 2013-03-01
Career Opportunities
- Planning and Business Analyst, Business Integration / Corporate Performance
- 2013-02-28
- Statistics - 2012 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent - Update
- Statistics - 2013 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent
- 2013-02-27
NEB Whistleblower Reporting
The National Energy Board has a process whereby employees, officers, agents or contractors of an NEB-regulated company, as well as members of the public, can report a company’s alleged wrongdoing directly to the NEB. A dedicated phone line and email address for submitting reports can be found through the link above.
- 2013-02-27
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-02-26
Statistics - Updated to October 2012
- Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
- Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
- Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2013-02-25
Vacancies - Members
- Notice
- Selection Criteria
- 2013-02-22
The NEB brings the Northwest Territories and Nunavut boards together
On February 20th the National Energy Board hosted a meeting bringing the Northwest Territories and Nunavut boards together to share stories of environmental assessment, land use planning and regulatory matters. This was the first meeting of this kind since the split of the Northwest Territories and the creation of Nunavut. The participants found many areas of common interest and resolved to meet in the same way annually. The National Energy Board is proud to have been part of this historic moment in the history of land claim institutions in the Canadian north. The Nunavut Impact Review Board, Nunavut Water Board, Nunavut Planning Commission, Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board, Wek’eezhii Land and Water Board and the National Energy Board participated in this event.
- 2013-02-20
MOU with the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board

Willard Hagen, Chair, Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
and Gaétan Caron, Chair/CEO of the National Energy Board,
sign a Memorandum of Understanding.
In keeping with the National Energy Board’s (NEB or the Board) commitment to developing a robust regulatory framework for the North, the Board is proud to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB). NEB Chair and CEO Gaétan Caron signed the MOU with MVLWB Chair Willard Hagen while in Yellowknife as part of a Northern Regional Tour by NEB Board Members and staff that included stops in Tuktoyaktuk, Inuvik, and Yellowknife. During the course of the tour, meetings were held with government and aboriginal leadership, local hunters and trappers’ organizations, elders and youth, environmental and business organizations, and northern regulatory boards. The MOU with the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board provides for the exchange of technical expertise and knowledge, as well as the maximization of effective and efficient environmental screening and regulatory processes.
- 2013-02-20
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-02-19
NEB Issues Hearing Order for Enbridge Line 9B Reversal
- 2013-02-19
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 22 February from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 25 February, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2013-02-15
Proposed Administrative Monetary Penalties
News Release - Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations published in Canada Gazette, Part I
The National Energy Board (NEB) has developed draft Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations (AMP Regulations). These regulations were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on 16 February 2013 for a 30-day public comment period.
- 2013-02-15
MOU with the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement

Director James A. Watson, of the Bureau of Safety and
Environmental Enforcement and Gaétan Caron, Chair/CEO
of the National Energy Board, shake hands following
the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding.
The National Energy Board has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. The purpose of this MOU is to facilitate cooperation through the sharing of information on matters including regulatory approaches and guidelines, best practices and, where appropriate, specific energy projects. "The National Energy Board is pleased to enter into this agreement with the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. It lays the groundwork for cooperation on matters of mutual interest between our two agencies, and it’s an important step in sharing best practices and supporting effective regulatory outcomes," said Gaétan Caron, Chair and CEO, National Energy Board.
- 2013-02-14
NEB Approves the Abandonment Cost Estimates for Large Pipeline Companies
- 2013-02-14
Regulations Amending the National Energy Board Processing Plant Regulations
The Regulations Amending the National Energy Board Processing Plant Regulations, (Miscellaneous Program), SOR/2013-17 and accompanying Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement were published in the Canada Gazette, Part II on Wednesday, 13 February 2013, Vol. 147, No. 4, pages 363-368.
- 2013-02-13
Inuvik Board Meeting

Historic first Board Meeting in Inuvik, Left to Right:
Lyne Mercier, Gaétan Caron, Bob Vergette and James Ballem
As part of the Board’s ongoing commitment to reach out to its Northern partners, NEB Chair and CEO, Gaétan Caron, chaired the NEB’s first Board meeting in Inuvik on February 13, 2013. As part of a Northern tour over the next couple of weeks, Board Members, James Ballem, Bob Vergette and Lyne Mercier, are accompanying the Chair to hear from Northerners and Northern institutions that could be affected by potential activities regulated by the NEB in support of our shared objectives for safety and environmental protection. The Chair and Board Members will also be facilitating several meetings between the Northwest Territories and Nunavut regulatory boards.
- 2013-02-13
Career Opportunities
- Director - Various
- 2013-02-12
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - December 2012
- 2013-02-12
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-02-11
Family Day
The National Energy Board will be closed on Monday, 18 February, for Family Day.
- 2013-02-11
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - November 2012
- 2013-02-11
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - November 2012
- 2013-02-11
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports and Imports, and Imports of Liquefied Natural Gas - December 2012
- 2013-02-11
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - February 2013
- 2013-02-07
Statistics - Updated to September 2012
- Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
- Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
- Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2013-02-05
Pipeline Safety - National Energy Board's Appearance before the Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resouces - Gaétan Caron
- 2013-02-05
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-02-04
NEB approves 25-year export licence to LNG Canada Development Inc.
- 2013-02-04
Career Opportunities
- Group Leader, Accounting Compliance and Control Corporate and Information Solutions Business Unit - Finance
- 2013-02-01
Funding available to participate in the NEB's regulatory process regarding the Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Project
- 2013-01-30
NEB issues recommendation regarding the Northwest Mainline Komie North Extension Project
- 2013-01-29
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-01-29
Career Opportunities
- Technical Specialist, Regulatory Development,
Strategy Analysis Business Unit
- 2013-01-24
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-01-18
Career Opportunities
- Director, Information Management Services and Director, Information Technology - ANTICIPATORY
- 2013-01-17
Funding available to participate in the NEB's regulatory process regarding the Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Edmonton to Hardisty Pipeline Project
- 2013-01-15
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-01-15
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports and Imports, and Imports of Liquefied Natural Gas - November 2012
- 2013-01-15
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2013
- 2013-01-15
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 18 January from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 21 January, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2013-01-15
Safety Forum 2013
The National Energy Board invites you to attend the upcoming Safety Forum 2013 on June 5th and 6th at the BMO Centre in Stampede Park, Calgary.
- 2013-01-10
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
- TGS/PGS/MKI Northeastern Canada 2D Seismic Exploration Survey November/December 2012 Community Engagement Report
- TGS/PGS/MKI Northeastern Canada 2D Seismic Exploration Survey June 2012 Community Engagement Report
- 2013-01-10
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - January 2013
- 2013-01-08
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-01-04
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - November 2012
- 2013-01-02
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2013-01-02
Exportation of Oil from Canada - Fact Sheet
- 2012-12-31
Career Opportunities
- Strategic Leadership Group Coordinator, Executive Office - Office of the COO
- 2012-12-28
Discussion Paper - Proposed Changes to NEB Regulations for Damage Prevention
The NEB has released a Discussion Paper proposing changes to regulations for damage prevention.The regulations apply to NEB-regulated pipeline companies and anyone who plans or undertakes construction or excavation activities near an NEB-regulated pipeline. The proposed changes also relate to the operation of agricultural vehicles or equipment across NEB-regulated pipelines. The deadline for submitting written comments is 11 February 2013.
- 2012-12-28
The National Energy Board will close at 12:00 noon on Monday, December 31st.
- 2012-12-24
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-12-21
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Edmonton to Hardisty Project
An application for the Edmonton to Hardisty Project has been filed by the Enbridge Pipelines Inc. [Folder 895427]
- 2012-12-21
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - October 2012
- 2012-12-21
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - October 2012
- 2012-12-21
During the Holiday season the National Energy Board will be implementing a 2 week time out between Dec. 24th 2012 and Jan. 7th 2013 for our published application service standards. For more information please contact Jamie Kereliuk, Business Unit Leader, Applications at 403-299-2793 or
- 2012-12-21
The National Energy Board will close at 12:00 noon on Monday, December 24th.
- 2012-12-20
NEB to hold hearing for Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Application
The National Energy Board announced its decision to assess the Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Application submitted by Enbridge Pipelines Inc. in a written hearing with an oral final argument. [Filing A49870]
The details of this hearing process will be more completely defined in a Hearing Order to be issued early in 2013.
Participant Funding will be made available for this proceeding and information on the Participant Funding Program will be issued soon.
- 2012-12-19
New Temporary Board Member Joins NEB
I am pleased to inform you that Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver has today announced the appointment of Jacques Gauthier as a temporary board member of the National Energy Board on a part-time basis. Mr. Gauthier, a resident of Montreal, Quebec, has considerable expertise in the creation, development and management of major energy projects in both Canada and the United States.
From his time spent at Dessau Inc., Kruger Energy Inc. and Boralex Inc., Mr. Gauthier has over 15 years of senior executive experience in renewable and green energy development projects. Prior to this role, Mr. Gauthier was a lawyer for eight years where he specialized in corporate restructuring.
Mr. Gauthier obtained his Bachelor of Law from the University of Sherbrooke and is a Member of the Bar of the Province of Quebec. He is also a member of many Committees and Board of Directors, such as the Quebec Wildlife Foundation, the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Prime Minister’s Advisory Committee on the Public Service. [For more information on the appointment]
Sheri Young
Secretary of the Board
National Energy Board
- 2012-12-18
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-12-18
Statistics - 2012 Q3 Estimated Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Type and Destination
- 2012-12-11
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - October 2012
- 2012-12-11
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-12-11
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 14 December from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 17 December, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-12-07
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - December 2012
- 2012-12-07
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - October 2012
- 2012-12-06
Order for electricity reliability standards
The National Energy Board has issued a General Order and five Amending Orders for mandatory electricity reliability standards for certain International Power Lines in Canada.
- 2012-12-05
Chevron Canada Limited Application for a Priority Destination Designation
Today, the Board has issued a Ruling and Procedural Update for this hearing
- 2012-12-05
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - September 2012
- 2012-12-05
Regulations Amending the Power Line Crossing Regulations
Regulations Amending the Power Line Crossing Regulations, SOR/2012-238, is published in the Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 146, No. 25.
- 2012-12-04
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-11-30
Presentation - Perspectives on Regulation - Canada-US Energy Summit - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-11-30
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - September 2012
- 2012-11-30
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Project
An application for the Line 9B Reversal and Line 9 Capacity Expansion Project has been filed by Enbridge Pipelines Inc. [Filing A49446]
- 2012-11-29
Statistics - Canadian Crude Oil Exports - By Export Transportation System Summary - 5 year trend
- 2102-11-28
Investigation under the National Energy Board Act In the Matter of: 30 September 2009 release of gas and subsequent fire at the Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. Lisgar Gate Station in Mississauga, Ontario
On 30 September 2009, Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (EGD) reported that a contractor had damaged an NPS 2 blowdown valve connected to an NPS 24 gas line while performing work within the boundaries of the Lisgar Gate Station in Mississauga, Ontario. Subsequently, the gas ignited, damaging a building and destroying several vehicles and construction equipment. No workers or members of the public were injured, although adjacent businesses, including a strip mall and day care, were evacuated as a precautionary measure. Damage to the environment was limited to local soil and vegetation inside the fenced area of the station property.
The NEB will take all available actions to protect Canadians and the environment and requires pipeline companies to anticipate, prevent, manage, and mitigate potentially dangerous conditions associated with their pipelines. As part of this, the NEB expects regulated companies to demonstrate a proactive commitment to continual improvement in safety, security, and environmental protection, and to promote a positive safety culture as part of their management systems.
The NEB has concluded its investigation and has made eight (8) findings as to incident cause and contributing factors, the details of which are included in this report.
- 2012-11-27
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-11-27
MOU with Inuvialuit Boards
In keeping with the National Energy Board’s (NEB or the Board) commitment to developing a robust regulatory framework for the North, the Board is proud to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with two Inuvialuit Boards - the Environmental Impact Screening Committee and the Environmental Impact Review Board. The NEB continues to enhance relations in the North and this MOU provides for the exchange of technical expertise and knowledge, as well as the maximization of effective and efficient environmental screening, assessment and review processes in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
- 2012-11-26
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - August 2012
- 2012-11-26
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - August 2012
- 2012-11-22
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
- 2012-11-22
Investigation under the National Energy Board Act In the Matter of 2012-01-24 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC Sumas Tank 121 Leak
On 24 January 2012, a release of 90 m³ of crude oil into the secondary containment of Tank 121 at Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC’s (TMPU) Sumas Terminal in Abbotsford, BC occurred. The investigation revealed that the leak occurred after a gasket in a flange pair of the Tank 121 roof drain system failed under excessive pressure caused by water freezing in the roof drain system.
The safety of Canadians and protection of the environment are the National Energy Board’s (NEB or Board) top priorities. The Board requires pipeline companies to anticipate, prevent, manage and mitigate potentially dangerous conditions associated with their pipelines. TMPU has identified corrective actions to address all of the findings of cause and contributing factors identified in this investigation report. The Board is satisfied that these actions are appropriate to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents in the future.
- 2012-11-22
Statistics - Updated to July 2012
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-11-20
Amendment to Regulation of Operations and Maintenance Activities on Pipelines under the National Energy Board Act
The amendments are included in the attached revised O&M Guidelines, which will be effective on 01 January 2013.
- 2012-11-20
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-11-19
Letter from the Chair: Proactivity and Prevention the Name of the Game in Pipeline Safety - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-11-19
Statistics - 2012 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent - Update
- 2012-11-16
Career Opportunities
- Regulatory Administrative Assistant - Secretary and Regulatory Services
- Environmental Specialist - Applications Business Unit - Oil Pipelines
- 2012-11-15
Career Opportunities
Environmental Specialist - Applications Business Unit - Oil Pipelines
- 2012-11-14
Robust supply, but higher natural gas prices projected for this winter
- 2012-11-13
Attention Users of On-line Application System (OAS) Exports and Imports
There will be a planned update for the On-line Application System (OAS) Exports and Imports on Wednesday November 14, 2012. We will be required to shut the system down during this upgrade. The system will be offline on November 14 from 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. MST. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
- 2012-11-13
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2012 (update)
- 2012-11-13
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - September 2012
- 2012-11-13
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-11-13
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - September 2012
- 2012-11-09
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - November 2012
- 2012-11-08
Career Opportunities
- Graphics Designer/Multimedia Specialist - People & Communications Services - Communications
- Library Clerk - Corporate & Information Solutions - Information & Document Services
- 2012-11-08
NEB Departmental Performance Report 2011-12: The NEB’s 2011-12 Departmental Performance Report (DPR) on its fiscal year plan is now available. The DPR was tabled in Parliament by the President of the Treasury Board on November 8, 2012.
- 2012-11-07
Career Opportunities
Graphics Designer/Multimedia Specialist - People & Communications Services - Communications
- 2012-11-06
New Board Member Joins NEB
I am pleased to inform you that Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver has announced the appointment of Mr. Michael Richmond as a temporary Board Member of the National Energy Board effective 1 November 2012, on a part-time basis for a term of three years. A lawyer, Mr. Richmond, a resident of Toronto, Ontario, has over 12 years of detailed experience in energy law and energy regulation.
As a partner at McMillan LLP and as Co-Chair of its Energy Law Group focusing on electricity, renewable energy and utilities, he has provided corporate, regulatory and financing advice to developers, investors and lenders of power projects. He also has experience working collaboratively with First Nations in energy development projects. Prior to this role, Mr. Richmond was a Senior Energy Policy Advisor for the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology, where he represented and defended the public interest during a time of heavy lobbying by private interest groups.
Mr. Richmond obtained his Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Ottawa, and his Bachelor of Law from the University of Toronto. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 2000. [For more information on the appointment]
Sheri Young
Secretary of the Board
National Energy Board
- 2012-11-06
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-11-06
Minister Oliver Announces Appointment of New Member to the National Energy Board
OTTAWA - The Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources, today announced the appointment of Michael Richmond as a temporary member of the National Energy Board (NEB). [More]
- 2012-10-31
NEB Letter - TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. (TransCanada or the Company) Compliance with Technical Standards
Further to the Board’s letter dated 11 October 2012 (Compliance Letter), the Board determines compliance with its regulations by auditing the programs, procedures and records developed and maintained by its regulated companies. Accordingly, the Board will audit the operations of TransCanada as set out below.
- 2012-10-30
Statistics - 2012 Q2 Estimated Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Type and Destination
- 2012-10-30
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-10-29
Proposed Regulations Amending the Onshore Pipeline Regulations, 1999
The proposed Regulations Amending the Onshore Pipeline Regulations, 1999 were pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on 27 October 2012, Vol. 146, No. 43, pages 3037-3048, with a 30 day comment period.
- 2012-10-26
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday October 26, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. (MT) until 11:59 p.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-10-25
Board Response to the Land Matters Group Public Involvement Workshop Sub-Committee's Report
The Board has responded to the recommendations of the Sub-Committee on the Board's Oversight of Public Involvement Programs by Regulated Companies [Filing A48574].
- 2012-10-24
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-10-24
Public hearing to consider an application by Nova Gas Transmission Ltd.
The National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) will hold a public hearing to consider an application by Nova Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) to permanently remove from service a 266 km section of the Peace River Mainline natural gas pipeline between its Meikle River Compressor Station and its Valleyview Compressor station, and associated facilities. The Board will issue the date and location for this hearing, along with procedural steps in the near future. For more information, please see the NEB’s letter to NGTL. [Filing A48584]
- 2012-10-22
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Line 9B Reversal Project
A project description for the Line 9B Reversal Project has been filed by Enbridge Pipelines Inc.
- 2012-10-22
FAQs on Project Descriptions
- 2012-10-20
The NEB has updated its Pre-Application Project Description Guidance.
- 2012-10-18
Statistics - Updated to June 2012
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-10-17
Northern Gateway JRP updates NEB Chair on project status
The Joint Review Panel (JRP) for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project has issued a status update letter to Gaétan Caron, the Chair of the NEB, in response to the Chair’s 4 October 2012 request. [Filing A48520]
- 2012-10-16
Presentation to University of Calgary School of Public Policy - Regulating in the Public Interest - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-10-16
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 19 October from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 22 October, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-10-16
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-10-15
Filing Manual Update
NEB releases an update to the Filing Manual. Filing Manual Update 2012-02. This release covers minor housekeeping amendments as outlined in the concordance document.
- 2012-10-12
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - July 2012
- 2012-10-12
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - July 2012
- 2012-10-11
NEB Letter - TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. (TransCanada or the Company) Compliance with Technical Standards
On 1 May 2012, the National Energy Board (NEB or Board) received a submission from a then employee of TransCanada (Complainant) outlining allegations of regulatory non-compliance against TransCanada. The Board immediately initiated actions to investigate these allegations, which, in the view of the Board, do not represent immediate threats to the safety of people or the environment. As a part of its investigation, on 22 June 2012, the Board met with TransCanada to discuss the Complainant’s allegations, and requested at that time, information related to the Company’s internal investigation relating to its compliance with technical standards and procedures. This information was submitted by TransCanada to the Board on 18 July 2012.
- 2012-10-11
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - August 2012
- 2012-10-11
Career Opportunities
Regulatory Development Specialist - Strategy & Analysis - Regulatory Approaches
- 2012-10-10
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - August 2012
- 2012-10-10
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-10-09
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - October 2012
- 2012-10-09
Chair Requests status update for the Northern Gateway project
Gaétan Caron, the Chair of the NEB, has issued a letter to the Joint Review Panel (JRP) for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project requesting a status update for the Project. [Filing A48130]
- 2012-10-05
New Board Member Joins NEB
I am pleased to inform you that Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver has announced the appointment of Mr. Philip Davies as a permanent Board Member of the National Energy Board. Mr. Davies, a resident of Calgary, Alberta, has over 30 years of experience in the North American crude oil, natural gas and electric power industries.
As Principal of Philip H. Davies Professional Corporation, he served as corporate director and as legal, regulatory and strategic advisor. Prior to this role, he fulfilled positions on several senior management teams including SaskPower, Power Corporation Superannuation Fund, Niska Gas Storage and EnCana Midstream and Marketing.
Mr. Davies earned his ICD.D certification from the Institute of Corporate Directors, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, and completed the Executive Development Program at the University of Western Ontario, Ivey School of Business. He is a graduate of the University of Alberta, Faculty of Law. [For more information on the appointment]
Sheri Young
Secretary of the Board
National Energy Board
- 2012-10-05
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - June 2012
- 2012-10-05
Statistics - Updated to May 2012
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-10-04
Proposed amendments to the National Energy Board Processing Plant Regulations
Notification: The National Energy Board is releasing proposed amendments to the National Energy Board Processing Plant Regulations to respond to concerns raised by the Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations.
- 2012-10-03
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-10-02
Career Opportunities
Team Leader, Regulatory Approaches - Strategy & Analysis
- 2012-09-28
Statistics - Crude Oil Exports - June 2012
- 2012-09-28
Presentation to CAMPUT Regulators Dialogue 2012 - Pipeline Safety in a Changing World - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-09-27
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2011 and 2012 (update)
- 2012-09-26
Presentation to International Pipeline Conference 2012 - Pipeline Safety in a Changing World - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-09-26
Statistics - Updated to April 2012
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-09-26
Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Statistics
Statistics are now live.
- 2012-09-25
LNG Canada Development Inc.
Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) pursuant to Section 117 of the National Energy Board Act [Filing A47751]
- 2012-09-25
NEB Announces Hearing for Trans Mountain Part IV Application
- 2012-09-25
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-09-24
NEB Consultation: Oil and Gas Exports and Imports
The NEB has released a consultation letter providing an opportunity for public comment on NEB Part VI Oil and Gas Export and Import matters. The closing date for submission of written comments is October 26, 2012.
- 2012-09-21
Career Opportunities
- Team Leader, Regulatory Approaches - Strategy & Analysis
- Technical Leader, Damage Prevention - Operations/Safety Management & Damage Prevention
- 2012-09-19
NEB Letter - Centra Transmission Holdings Ltd. (Centra) Meeting Regarding Order SG-C293-01-2011
- 2012-09-19
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-09-18
Intervenor Workshop - Group 1 Abandonment Cost Estimates Hearing MH-001-2012
- 2012-09-17
Career Opportunities
Technical Leader, Damage Prevention - Operations/Safety Management & Damage Prevention
- 2012-09-14
Statistics - Updated to March 2012
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-09-14
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - July 2012
- 2012-09-13
Frequently Asked Questions: Environmental Assessments
The Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act includes legislative changes to a number of Acts, including the National Energy Board Act. Environmental Assessments are one of the areas where changes have occurred.
The safety of Canadians and protection of the environment are the NEB’s top priorities. Environmental Assessments are one of the tools that we use to hold regulated companies accountable for environmental protection in the development of pipelines and other energy infrastructure. You will find information designed to help explain some of the changes.
- 2012-09-11
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-09-11
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - September 2012
- 2012-09-11
Career Opportunities
- Technical Leader, Damage Prevention -
Operations/Safety Management & Damage Prevention
- Technical Leader, Engineering - Operations/Integrity Management Teams
- 2012-09-10
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - July 2012
- 2012-09-06
Discussion Paper: Emerging Issues in Oil and Gas Industry Safety Management
The NEB has prepared this discussion paper to identify three emerging issues where all regulated companies must invest effort and resources to demonstrate continual improvement of safety and environmental protection outcomes.
- 2012-09-05
Career Opportunities
- Technical Leader, Damage Prevention -
Operations/Safety Management & Damage Prevention
- Technical Leader, Engineering - Operations/Integrity Management Teams
- Human Resources Advisor, Generalist People & Communications, Services Human Resources - Programs
- 2012-09-05
The Online Application System (OAS) - Exports and Imports will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance on Thursday 6 September from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (MST).
- 2012-09-05
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-09-04
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - May 2012
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - May 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Annual - May 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - May 2012
- 2012-09-04
Career Opportunities
- Technical Leader, Engineering - Operations/Integrity Management Teams
- Human Resources Advisor, Generalist People & Communications, Services Human Resources - Programs
- 2012-08-31
Safety Advisory - NEB SA 2012-02 - Injury During Vessel-to-Vessel Personnel Transfer by Pilot Ladder
- 2012-08-31
Quarterly Financial Reports - For the quarter ended 31 June 2012
- 2012-08-31
Career Opportunities
Technical Leader, Engineering - Operations/Integrity Management Teams and Human Resources Advisor, Generalist
- 2012-08-29
We are currently experiencing high filing submission levels which may result in longer than usual processing times. Thank you for your patience.
If urgent, please consider submitting by fax.
Fax: 403-292-5503
Toll-free fax: 1-877-288-8803
- 2012-08-28
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-08-24
Career Opportunities
Engineer - Operations Business Unit/Integrity Management Teams
- 2012-08-21
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-08-21
TransCanada PipeLines Limited
The NEB has issued a letter and order to TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TransCanada) directing TransCanada to address a non-compliance on its Keystone Pipeline GP Limited system. The NEB makes its compliance and enforcement actions taken against companies public so Canadians know what actions the Board is taking to protect them and the environment.
- 2012-08-20
Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (Trans Mountain)
Trans Mountain Application Pursuant to Part IV of the NEB Act for Approval of the Toll Methodology - Letter Regarding Submissions on Process and Draft List of Issues [Filing A45072]
- 2012-08-20
Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI or Trans-Northern)
National Energy Board Financial Regulatory Audit of Years 2009-2011 [Filing A43198]
- 2012-08-17
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. (Enbridge) - Implementation Assessment Meeting and Control Centre Inspection
The safety of Canadians and the protection of the environment are the National Energy Board’s (NEB or Board) top priorities. To this end, we conducted an assessment and inspection of Enbridge’s control centre on 8 and 9 August 2012 to determine the company’s compliance with regulations and standards relating to management of pipeline integrity, controls, and emergency response...
- 2012-08-17
Career Opportunities
Cost Recovery and Funding Officer
- 2012-08-16
MOU with the Nunavut Impact Review Board
In keeping with the National Energy Board’s (NEB) commitment made during the Arctic Offshore Drilling Review to work collaboratively with land claim organizations throughout the North, the Board is proud to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB). The purpose of this MOU is to establish a process where the NIRB and the NEB may share with one another their respective technical expertise and knowledge, as may be required and serves the mutual interest of both parties.
- 2012-08-16
MOU with the Nunavut Water Board
In keeping with the National Energy Board’s (NEB) commitment made during the Arctic Offshore Drilling Review to work collaboratively with land claim organizations throughout the North, the Board is proud to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Nunavut Water Board (NWB). The purpose of this MOU is to establish a process where the NWB and the NEB may share with one another their respective technical expertise and knowledge, as may be required and serves the mutual interest of both parties.
- 2012-08-15
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 17 August from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 20 August, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-08-14
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - April 2012
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - April 2012
- 2012-08-14
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-08-14
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - June 2012
- 2012-08-09
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - June 2012
- 2012-08-09
Statistics - 2012 Q1 Estimated Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Type and Destination
- 2012-08-09
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Annual - April 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - April 2012
- 2012-08-08
Chair Letter to the Northern Gateway Panel
Gaétan Caron, the Chair of the NEB, has issued a letter to the Joint Review Panel (JRP) for the Northern Gateway Project to communicate the changes in reporting requirements for the JRP and the duties assigned to the Chair under the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act. Letter - Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project - Time Limit for Report. [Filing A43350]
- 2012-08-07
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-08-07
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - August 2012
- 2012-08-03
NEB Announces Hearing for Chevron Priority Destination Designation
- 2012-08-03
Statistics - 2011 and 2012 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent - Update
- 2012-08-03
Time Limit Letter to the Northern Gateway Panel
The federal Minister of the Environment and the NEB have amended the Joint Review Panel Agreement (JRPA) for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline project, including establishing a time limit within which the Panel has to submit its report. Letter - Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project - Establishment of Timelines. [Filing A43273]
Agreement - Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Project - Joint Review Panel Agreement [Filing A43273]
- 2012-08-01
Streamlining Order XG/XO-100-2012
The National Energy Board has released a new version of its Section 58 Streamlining Order following the recent enactment of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. [Filing A43203]
- 2012-08-01
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-08-01
Chevron Canada Resources Canadian Beaufort Seismic Program
Environmental Screening Report - Chevron Canada Limited Beaufort Seismic Program of Exploration - Licenses 448 and 460
- 2012-08-01
Letter from the Chair: Pipeline Safety is NEB’s Top Priority - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-08-01
Frequently Asked Questions on the NEB’s Administrative Monetary Penalties
The National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) requires pipeline companies to anticipate, prevent, manage and mitigate potentially dangerous conditions associated with their pipelines. The NEB will take all available actions to protect the environment and the public. With the recent passing of the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act (formerly known as Bill C-38), the Government of Canada will be adding another tool to our compliance and enforcement toolkit: administrative monetary penalties (AMPs).
- 2012-07-31
Proposed consequential amendments to the Power Line Crossing Regulations, SOR/95-500
The NEB has released for comment the proposed Regulations Amending the Power Line Crossing Regulations, arising from recent amendments to the National Energy Board Act. The deadline for submitting written comments is 31 August 2012.
- 2012-07-30
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - March 2012
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - March 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Annual - March 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - March 2012
- 2012-07-30
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2012 (update)
- 2012-07-30
We are accepting applications for Temporary Board Member position(s).
- 2012-07-30
Statistics - Updated to February 2012
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-07-27
NEB approves Enbridge application to reverse Line 9 flow
- 2012-07-27
Enbridge Pipeline Inc.- Control Centre Operation Compliance Verification
- 2012-07-26
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. - Section 52 Application dated 15 July 2011 for the Lesimer to Kettle River Crossover Application
- 2012-07-26
Canadian Energy Overview 2011 - Energy Briefing Note
- 2012-07-24
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-07-18
Career Opportunities
Programmer Analyst
- 2012-07-17
Time Limits
The National Energy Board (the Board) wishes to communicate the establishment of time limits for future applications before the Board under sections 52, 58, and 58.16 of the NEB Act. Gaétan Caron, the Chair of the Board, has determined the standard time limits for these applications. Letter - Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act - Establishment of time limits for section 52, 58, and 58.16 applications. [Filing A42827]
- 2012-07-17
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-07-16
Statistics - Updated to December 2011
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-07-13
Energy Pricing Information for Canadian Consumers (Update)
- 2012-07-12
2012 Update of the Electricity Memorandum of Guidance to Interested Parties Concerning Full Implementation of the September 1988 Canadian Electricity Policy
- 2012-07-12
Interim Memorandum of Guidance Concerning Oil and Gas Export Applications and Gas Import Applications under Part VI of the National Energy Board Act
- 2012-07-12
NEB to hold hearing for Maple Creek pipeline abandonment
- 2012-07-10
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - May 2012
- 2012-07-10
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-07-10
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - May 2012
- 2012-07-10
FAQs on the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act
- 2012-07-10
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - July 2012
- 2012-07-09
Letter - Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act - Establishment of time limits for certain applications before the Board [Filing A42649]
- 2012-07-06
National Energy Board Information Advisory
NEB IA 2012-01 - Survival & Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
- 2012-07-05
Proposed National Energy Board Administrative Monetary Penalties
The NEB is announcing that it has begun consultations on a proposed approach to the development of an AMPs regulation. A discussion paper has been posted on our website and we are inviting comments on the proposal from all interested parties until 28 September 2012.
- 2012-07-05
Career Opportunities
Planning and Business Analyst, Corporate Performance
- 2012-07-04
Career Opportunities
Participant Funding Program Coordinator
- 2012-07-03
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-06-29
NEB Action Plan on Safety and Environmental Protection 2011-2012: Reports on Progress
A second progress report for the NEB Action Plan on Safety and Environmental Protection 2011-2012 was recently released in June and five of the seven actions within the plan are now complete.
- 2012-06-26
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-06-21
NEB releases decision on Leismer to Kettle River Crossover application
- 2012-06-20
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-06-19
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
- 2012-06-18
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - February 2012
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - February 2012
- 2012-06-18
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 22 June from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 25 June, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-06-15
Filing Manual
NEB releases an update to the Filing Manual - Filing Manual Update 2012-01. This release covers minor housekeeping amendments as outlined in the concordance document.
- 2012-06-14
Energy Futures Backgrounder: Addendum to Canada’s Energy Future: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2035
This Addendum is an accompanying report related to the NEB’s recently released Energy Market Assessment (EMA), Canada’s Energy Future: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2035. It provides additional information on the methodology, assumptions and energy context of the Energy Futures report projections.
- 2012-06-13
Career Opportunities
Counsel - Legal Services and Technical Specialist, Environment - Operations
- 2012-06-12
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-06-11
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - April 2012
- 2012-06-11
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - April 2012
- 2012-06-17
Career Opportunities
Technical Specialist, Environment - Operations
- 2012-06-07
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - June 2012
- 2012-06-07
James Ballem - Temporary Board Member
I am pleased to inform you that Natural Resource Minister Joe Oliver has announced the appointment of Mr. James Ballem as a temporary member of the National Energy Board for a period of three years.
Mr. Ballem occupied the position of Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry with the provincial government of Prince Edward Island. During his 11-year career as a Member of the Legislative Assembly, he also fulfilled Cabinet positions as the Attorney-General, and Minister of Health and Social Services.
Mr. Ballem is a Business graduate from the University of Prince Edward Island. He currently resides in Marshfield, Prince Edward Island.
Sheri Young
Secretary of the Board
National Energy Board
- 2012-06-06
David Hamilton - Temporary Board Member
The Governor in Council has re-appointed Mr. David Hamilton as Temporary Board Member for a three-year term ending 30 June 2015.
- 2012-06-05
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-06-01
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Annual - February 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - February 2012
- 2012-05-31
Hearing Order RHW-002-2012 - NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) Application for Implementation of the Natural Gas Liquids (NEXT) Model
- 2012-05-29
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-05-25
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2012 (update)
- 2012-05-24
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2011 (update) and 2012
- 2012-05-23
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 25 May from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 28 May, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-05-22
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-05-18
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
15 May 2012: Qikiqtani Inuit Association Letter of Comment
- 2012-05-17
Career Opportunities
Communications Officer, People & Communication Services
- 2012-05-17
Canadians won’t face higher prices this summer for transportation fuel
- 2012-05-16
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-05-14
Presentation - Independence of the Regulator: The Canadian Story - World Forum on Energy Regulation V - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-05-14
Employment Equity Report 2010-2011
- 2012-05-14
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - March 2012
- 2012-05-11
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - May 2012
- 2012-05-10
NEB Report on Plans and Priorities 2012-2013: The NEB’s 2012-2013 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) on its fiscal year plan is now available. The RPP was tabled in Parliament by the President of Treasury Board on May 8th, 2012.
- 2012-05-10
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - March 2012
- 2012-05-09
Statistics - 2011 Q4 Estimated Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Type and Destination
- 2012-05-08
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
Response to NEB Information Request No. 2 received 3 May 2012
- 2012-05-08
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-05-08
New Temporary Board Member Joins NEB
I am pleased to inform you that Natural Resource Minister Joe Oliver has appointed Ms. Alison Scott as a temporary member of the National Energy Board for a period of three years. Ms. Scott, a Nova Scotia resident, has served as Nova Scotia’s Deputy Minister for the Department of Energy and Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs. She is also a former solicitor and litigator with the Nova Scotia Department of Justice. [For more information on the appointment]
Sheri Young
Secretary of the Board
National Energy Board
- 2012-05-04
NEB Announces Hearing on NGTL’s NEXT Model Implementation
- 2012-05-04
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - January 2012
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - January 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Annual - January 2012
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - January 2012
- 2012-05-01
The National Energy Board's 2011 Annual Report has been tabled in Parliament by the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources. You can download the entire report from our website.
- 2012-05-01
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-04-27
December 2011 to March 2012 LMCI Actions Progress Reports now online
- 2012-04-25
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
Granting Extension Request for Information Request No. 2 to MKI
- 2012-04-24
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-04-24
Utility Group Facilities Inc.
South Parsons Lake Gas Supply Project
Public Registry
- 2012-04-23
Focus on Safety and Environment Report - Request for 2010 and 2011 Performance Data
- 2012-04-20
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
Request for extension regarding NEB Information Request No. 2 received 19 April 2012
- 2012-04-19
Focus for Natural Gas Drilling Shifts to NGLs
- 2012-04-17
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 20 April from 6:00 p.m. until Saturday, 21 March, 8:00 p.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-04-17
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-04-16
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - February 2012
- 2012-04-13
Energy Pricing Information for Canadian Consumers (Update)
- 2012-04-12
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - February 2012
- 2012-04-12
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
National Energy Board Information Request No. 2
- 2012-04-11
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - April 2012
- 2012-04-10
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-04-10
Safety Advisory - NEB SA 2012-01 - Overpressure Protection
- 2012-04-05
Career Opportunities
Mail and Records Clerk (Anticipatory)
- 2012-04-05
Changes in Executive Leadership at the NEB
Following the retirement of Pradeep Kharé, Chief Operating Officer last year, I would like to announce that the Chief Operating Officer position will remain vacant until further notice. The roles and responsibilities of this position have been divided among our two Strategic Leaders, Sandy Lapointe and Ed Jansen, and myself.
Gaétan Caron
Chair and CEO
- 2012-04-03
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-04-02
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - December 2011
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - December 2011
- 2012-03-29
Career Opportunities
Economist/Financial Regulatory Analyst, Applications
- 2012-03-28
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - December 2011
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - December 2011
- 2012-03-28
2011 - Total Crude Oil Exports by Destination - Annual
- 2012-03-28
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-03-27
National Energy Board 2011 Landowner Survey
- 2012-03-20
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-03-17
Statistics - Updated to November 2011
Crude Oil Disposition, Import and Price Report
Disposition of Domestic Heavy and Light Crude Oil and Imports
Weighted Average Delivered and F.O.B. Netback Costs of Canadian Heavy and Light Crude Oil Exports
- 2012-03-16
Abandonment Cost Estimates Information Sessions Scheduled
- 2012-03-15
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - January 2012
- 2012-03-14
Statistics - 2012 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent
- 2012-03-13
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-03-13
Declarations of Significant and Commercial Discoveries
Notice to Potential Directly Affected Person(s): Lone Pine Resources Canada Ltd., S. Pointed Mountain (D-1) L-68
- 2012-03-13
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 16 March from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 19 March, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-03-13
October and November LMCI Actions Progress Reports now online
- 2012-03-12
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - January 2012
- 2012-03-12
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - March 2012
- 2012-03-12
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company ASA, Petroleum GeoServices and Multi Klient Invest AS
2011 Northeastern Canada 2D Marine Seismic Survey
Response to NEB Information Request #1 received on 2 March 2012
- 2012-03-12
Marketable Natural Gas Production in Canada 2011
- 2012-03-07
Funding Awarded for Participation in the Regulatory Process for the Enbridge Line 9 Reversal Phase I Project
- 2012-03-07
Career Opportunities
Business Leader, Corporate and Information Solutions
- 2012-03-07
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-03-06
Quarterly Financial Reports - For the quarter ended 31 December 2011
- 2012-03-02
Secretary of the Board
I am pleased to announce that Sheri Young has accepted the position of Secretary of the Board, effective immediately. Ms. Young has been working in several government departments in Ottawa over the past years, and comes to the National Energy Board with extensive expertise in a variety of areas.
The Board welcomes Sheri to her new position as Secretary of the Board.
Gaétan Caron
Chair and CEO
- 2012-02-29
Damage Prevention Framework - A plan for improving regulatory clarity
The National Energy Board has developed a Plan to improve the clarity of its damage prevention framework as committed to in its Action Plan on Safety and Environmental Protection 2011-2012.
- 2012-02-28
NEB Approves Northwest Mainline Expansion
- 2012-02-28
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-02-27
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Line 9 Reversal Phase I Project (OH-005-2011)
Procedural Update No. 2 [Filing A39552]
- 2012-02-23
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-02-16
Statistics - 2012 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent
- 2012-02-15
Chevron Canada Limited
Chevron Canada Resources Canadian Beaufort Seismic Program
Public Registry
- 2012-02-15
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - November 2011
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - November 2011
- 2012-02-15
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - October and November 2011
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - October and November 2011
- 2012-02-14
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-02-14
The National Energy Board will be closed on Monday, 20 February, for Family Day.
- 2012-02-13
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - December 2011
- 2012-02-13
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - December 2011
- 2012-02-10
NEB Announces Cost of Abandonment Estimates Hearing
- 2012-02-10
Presentation - The National Energy Board’s Contribution to Canada’s Pursuit of a Sustainable Energy Future - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-02-09
Board Determines That Tolls Are Just and Reasonable On the Southern Lights Pipeline
- 2012-02-09
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - February 2012
- 2012-02-09
National Energy Board’s Appearance before The Standing Committee on Natural Resources
The current and future state of oil and gas pipelines and refining capacity in Canada - Gaétan Caron
- 2012-02-08
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 10 February from 5:00 p.m. until Saturday, 11 February, 5:00 p.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-02-08
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-02-06
Statistics - 2011 Q3 Estimated Canadian Crude Oil Exports by Type and Destination
- 2012-02-02
BC LNG gets 20-year licence to export liquified natural gas
- 2012-02-01
Enbridge Pipelines Inc. - Line 9 Reversal Phase I
NEB Issues Procedural Update No. 1 [Filing A39016]
- 2012-01-31
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-01-26
Abandonment Funding - Preliminary Cost Estimates
Abandonment Cost Estimate Filings Received 30 November 2011 [Filing A38629]
- 2012-01-24
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-01-24
NEB to Hear Northwest Mainline Komie North Extension Application
- 2012-01-19
NEB Approves Vantage Pipeline Project
- 2012-01-17
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-01-17
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - November 2011
- 2012-01-17
Attention Users of the Website and Regulatory Documents: There could be interruptions in service commencing Friday, 20 January from 6:00 p.m. until Monday, 23 January, 6:00 a.m. due to network maintenance.
- 2012-01-16
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - October 2011
Statistics - Total Crude Oil Exports - Per day - October 2011
- 2012-01-11
Proposed Amendment to Regulation of Operations and Maintenance Activities on Pipelines under the National Energy Board Act
- 2012-01-11
Comment Period - DRAFT Amendments to the Guidance Notes and Exemption Order for Decommissioning Projects Under the Onshore Pipeline Regulations, 1999 and National Energy Board Processing Plant Regulations
- 2012-01-11
Statistics - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Underground Inventories in Canada - January 2012
- 2012-01-11
Statistics - Electricity Exports and Imports - November 2011
- 2012-01-10
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-01-10
Career Opportunities
Socio-Economic Specialist, Applications
- 2012-01-06
Statistics - 2011 Estimated Production of Canadian Crude Oil and Equivalent
- 2012-01-06
Career Opportunities
Secretary of the Board
Business Unit Administrator - Applications
Technical Specialist - Market Analysis
Technical Leader - Energy Markets
Socio-Economic Specialist, Applications
- 2012-01-06
The National Energy Board has granted an application by St. Clair Pipelines Management Inc. to abandon its Empire Odourant Station in the Regional Municipality of Niagara, subject to conditions. [Filing A38070]
- 2012-01-05
Energy Pricing Information for Canadian Consumers (Update)
- 2012-01-04
Bob Vergette reappointed to Board
Bob Vergette, a temporary Board Member of the National Energy Board, has been reappointed for a second three-year term from Dec. 15, 2011 to Dec. 14, 2014. For more information about Mr. Vergette, visit our page entitled Board Members.
- 2012-01-04
Statistics - Oil and Gas Activities on Frontier Lands
- 2012-01-03
Statistics - Refined Petroleum Products - Export Volumes and Average Export Prices - September 2011
Statistics - Actual Exports of Main Petroleum Products - September 2011
- 2012-01-02
Statistics - Natural Gas Exports, Imports and Liquefied Natural Gas - October 2011
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