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Energy Futures

Energy Futures Backgrounder: Addendum to Canada’s Energy Future: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2035

14 June 2012


This Addendum is an accompanying report related to the NEB’s released Energy Market Assessment (EMA), Canada’s Energy Future: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2035. It provides additional information on the methodology, assumptions and energy context of the Energy Futures report projections.

Canada’s Energy Future: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2035

22 November 2011



Fact Sheets

Energy Futures Conference 2010

Canada’s Energy Future: Infrastructure Changes and Challenges to 2020 - An Energy Market Assessment

2009 Reference Case Scenario: Canadian Energy Demand and Supply to 2020

Stakeholder Input

Final Report and Appendices

Canada’s Energy Future - Reference Case &  2030

Report Timeline

There were four phases to this project.

  1. Planning and information gathering (Fall 2005 - Summer 2006)
    This phase included the speaker series presentations, consumer demand panel discussion, and the initial consultation meetings with stakeholders across the country.
  2. Analytical phase (Summer 2006 - Spring 2007)
    During this phase, the information gathered was used as an input into the development of the NEB’s reference case and scenarios. There was a second round of consultations where preliminary results were presented for comment.
  3. Delivery phase (Summer - Fall 2007)
    This phase of the report involved the translation, design and printing of the final report.
  4. Final delivery (Fall 2007)
    The Energy Futures Report was released on 15 November 2007.

Stakeholder Input

In advance of the 2007 Energy Futures Report, the NEB was involved in a number of activities to gather information such as an energy speaker series and a cross-Canada tour to speak with energy experts. Much of this information is available to Canadians on this Web site.

Annappolis Royal Tidal Generating Station - Source: Nova Scotia Power Inc.

Final Report and Appendices

6 February 2008 - This edition of Canada’s Energy Future includes minor revisions and expanded Appendices. The National Energy Board has issued an Errata for Canada’s Energy Future, available on the National Energy Board web site at Please refer to this Errata for details of revisions. The Board apologizes for any inconvenience caused by these changes.

30 January 2008 - Canada’s Energy Future - Reference Case and Scenarios to 2030 - Energy Market Assessment - Errata



News Release 07/38 - NEB report says future energy supply ample and will challenge Canadians to make smart energy choices

Presentation - Canada’s Energy Future - Reference Case & Scenarios to 2030

2008 Workshop

Send Us Your Comments

We want to hear your thoughts on the Energy Futures Report. Whether it is a response to one of the Speaker Series presentations or your thoughts on the Web site, we want to hear from you. E-mail us at

Some of the comments we receive may be posted on this site so please check back regularly to read what others are saying about this report.

NOTE: This tool is designed to facilitate discussion on future energy issues between Canadians. We will not be responding to questions through this site.


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