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The space we live in

In this section, we bring together explorers, politicians, engineers, scientists, philanthropists and other individuals who have contributed to our collective sense of our country’s space, both within its own borders and its place within the larger world.

Jacques Cartier, ca. 1844
Joseph F. W. Desbarres, ca. 1785
John A. Macdonald, ca. 1842-1843
Sir William Van Horne, ca. 1900-1910
Helen Sawyer Hogg, 1992
Thomas D'Arcy McGee, 1868
Sir Sandford Fleming, ca. 1894
Mr. Takayesu and Mr. Kohashigawa, 1910
Cardinal Paul-Émile Léger, ca. 1971-1975
Lester B. Pearson, Paul Martin and Louis St. Laurent, 1957
Lotta Hitschmanova, 1966
Claudia Kerckhoff-Van Wijk, 1989
Julie Payette, 1999

Julie Payette,