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Leading the Way

Teacher Assessment Sheet

Assessment Criteria

Program Area: Social Studies (History)
Criterion: Understanding Concepts
Attainment Descriptor:
  • As an individual or as a member of a small-group research team, the student locates, records and presents accurate historical information related to the exploration of Canada.
Program Area: Social Studies (History)
Criterion: Understanding Concepts
Attainment Descriptor:
  • As an individual or as a member of a small-group research team, the student formulates conclusions based on the evidence presented in short historical documents.
Program Area: Language, Reading
Criterion: Reading of Non-fiction Materials
Attainment Descriptors:
  • The student reads related information from the sources specified by the teacher.
  • The student applies information from reading to the completion of student tasks (student worksheets and extension activities).
Program Area: Language, Writing
Criterion: Communicate ideas and information for a variety of purposes.
Attainment Descriptors:
  • The student completes student worksheets by answering in complete sentences.
  • The student prepares a short report on the importance of the Northwest Passage, respecting the principal requirements:
    • Answers all questions
    • Uses proper grammar and spelling
    • Uses proper report format
  • The student prepares a short biographical report on a related explorer.
  • The student compares and contrasts two different explorers.
Program Area: Language, Oral and Visual Communication
Criterion: Communication Skills
Attainment Descriptors:
  • The student participates in group discussions related to exploration.
  • The student contributes and works constructively to alternate viewpoints.
  • The student uses various techniques to develop a poster presenting required information in a graphical format:
    • Includes key biographical information
    • Routes of exploration
    • Dangers encountered and major accomplishments

Proactive Disclosure