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Maps, page 2

Martin Frobisher's voyages

Map showing the route of Frobisher's first voyage, from England to a bay off of Baffin Island that Frobisher thought was a strait between Canada and Asia, June 7 to October 9, 1576 Map showing the route of Frobisher's third voyage, where he travelled past Resolution Island, partway into Hudson Strait and then back into Frobisher Bay, May 31 to end of August, 1578

Samuel Hearne's voyages

Map showing the route of Hearne's third expedition, December 1770 to June 1772, from Hudson Bay to Coppermine River, up Coppermine River to the Arctic Ocean and then back to the Prince of Wales Fort

Henry Hudson's voyages

Map showing the route of Hudson's first and second voyages, in 1607 and 1608, where he travelled north of Norway in an attempt to pass over the North Pole Map showing the route of Hudson's third voyage, in 1609, on which he travelled south of Cape Cod, along the eastern coast and explored the area around New York Map showing the route of Hudson's fourth voyage, April 10, 1610 to October 20, 1611, on which he passed through Hudson Strait and into Hudson Bay

Henry Kelsey's voyages

Map showing the settlements around Hudson Bay Map showing the route of Kelsey's second voyage, June 25, 1690 to 1692, on which he travelled southwest to the Prairies

The La Vérendryes' voyages

Map showing Pierre de La Vérendyres' route to Lake of the Woods, 1731-1732 Map showing Pierre de La Verendyre's exploration of the Assiniboine and Missouri rivers in 1738 Map showing Louis-Joseph de La Verendyre's exploration of the Assiniboine river, then southwest towards the Rockies and then back to the Missouri river, 1742-1743

Alexander MacKenzie's voyages

Map showing Mackenzie's route from Fort Chipewyan up to the Arctic Ocean, along what is now known as the Mackenzie River, June 3 to September 12, 1789 Map showing the route of Mackenzie's second voyage, from Fort Chipewyan to the Pacific Ocean, October 12, 1792 to July 19, 1793

Robert McClure's voyages

Map showing the route of McClure's Arctic voyage to search for Franklin and his crew, 1848-1849

David Thompson's voyages

Map showing the route of Thompson's voyage down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean, 1811

George Vancouver's voyages

Map showing the route of Vancouver's voyage, April 1, 1791 - October 1795, beginning north of San Francisco and travelling up the west coast of North America

Viking exploration in North America

Map showing the Vikings' voyage from Greenland to Newfoundland in the eleventh century


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