153 - Detection of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies by immunoprecipitation. F. Lucena-Fernandes, G. Dalpé, P. Dagenais, C. Richard, R. Calvert, G. Boire and H.A. Ménard [abstract / résumé]
163 - Validity of newborn oscillometric blood pressure. J.A. Low, C. Panagiotopoulos, J.T. Smith, W. Tang and E.J. Derrick [abstract / résumé]
168 - Microbial surveillance of human islet isolation, in vitro culture, and cryopreservation. J.R.T. Lakey, R.V. Rajotte and G.L. Warnock [abstract / résumé]
177 - Determination of the test performance of less costly methods of Helicobacter pylori detection. C.A. Fallone, A. Mitchell and W.G. Paterson [abstract / résumé]
186 - Increased membrane-bound protein kinase C in porcine thyroid cells following TSH exposure. W.C. Matowe and J. Ginsberg [abstract / résumé]
193 - Medical aspects of ketone body metabolism. G.A. Mitchell, S. Kassovska-Bratinova, Y. Boukaftane, M-F. Robert, S.P. Wang, L. Ashmarina, M. Lambert, P. Lapierre and E. Potier [abstract / résumé]
217 - Influence of undergraduate and postgraduate education on recruitment and retention of physicians in rural Alberta. M. Watanabe and G.H. Fick [abstract / résumé]
Official journal of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
Journal officiel de la Société canadienne de recherches cliniques