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le 6 mars 2001 / March 6, 2001

JAMC  2001; 164(5)
Highlights of this issue
•  Éditorial
•  Correspondance
•  Recherche
•  Commentaire
•  Synthèse
•  De l'oreille gauche
•  Nouvelles
•  Nécrologie
•  Gens de cœur
Les cas de paludisme graves chez les voyageurs canadiens
Couverture :
Au cours de la dernière décennie, les cas de paludisme graves ou résistants aux médicaments chez les voyageurs canadiens et les étrangers de passage au Canada ont augmenté sensiblement. Dans ce numéro, Kevin Kain et ses collaborateurs signalent 7 décès attribuables au paludisme à falciparum (page 654).

  Éditorial • Editorial
613 Some natural scepticism about the Natural Health Products Directorate
615 La Direction des produits de santé naturels : un peu de scepticisme naturel

619 Correspondance • Letters
Directives aux correspondants

  Recherche • Research
625 Double trouble: impact of inappropriate use of asthma medication on the use of health care resources
A.H. Anis, L.D. Lynd, X.-h. Wang, G. King, J.J. Spinelli, M. Fitzgerald, T. Bai, P. Paré
634 Guidelines as rationing tools: a qualitative analysis of psychosocial patient selection criteria for cardiac procedures
M.K. Giacomini, D.J. Cook, D.L. Streiner, S.S. Anand

  Commentaire • Commentary
641 Guidelines do matter
N. Anthonisen
642 Psychosocial patient selection criteria in clinical practice guidelines: An ethical basis for rationing?
J.B. Dossetor
644 Clinical practice guidelines for the care and treatment of breast cancer: adjuvant systemic therapy for node-positive breast cancer (summary of the 2001 update)
M. Levine, for the Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer

  Synthèse • Review
647 Problems for clinical judgement: 1. Eliciting an insightful history of present illness
D.A. Redelmeier, M.J. Schull, J.E. Hux, J.V. Tu, L.E. Ferris
654 Malaria deaths in visitors to Canada and in Canadian travellers: a case series
K.C. Kain, D.W. MacPherson, T. Kelton, J.S. Keystone, J. Mendelson, J.D. MacLean
662 The role of angiogenesis in prostate and other urologic cancers: a review
J.I. Izawa, C.P.N. Dinney

671 De l'Oreille Gauche • The Left Atrium [HTML]
  • Future genetics, futurist ethics (book review by M.M. Burgess) [PDF]
  • Gerry's wig (film review by A.M. Todkill) [PDF]
  • J.R. Bayne on the bad old days in geriatric care [PDF]
  • Poem by R.C. Dickson [PDF]
  • S. Iceton on an ancient Apgar [PDF]

677 Nouvelles • News
  • Family sues after negligence settlement against MD goes unpaid [HTML / [PDF]
  • SIDS may strike infants unaccustomed to prone sleeping, study finds [HTML / [PDF]
  • A 550-year-old microbiology lesson emerges from BC glacier [HTML / [PDF]
  • Eating disorders present tricky diagnosis [HTML / [PDF]
  • Regulations for new natural health products in place by year's end? [HTML / [PDF]
  • Cellphones and cancer? [HTML / [PDF]
  • Rabies death a reminder of need for caution around bats [HTML / [PDF]
  • Fewer antibiotics prescribed to children [HTML / [PDF]
  • All quiet on the flu front in 2001 [HTML / [PDF]
  • Invest in children and reap the rewards: UNICEF [HTML / [PDF]
  • Pulse: A crisis aborning in maternity and newborn care? [HTML / [PDF]
  • Feds announce plan to reduce domestic use of pesticides [HTML / [PDF]
  • On the Net: The Internet and genetic disease [HTML / [PDF]
  • New boss at Health Canada [HTML / [PDF]
  • Return-to-work guide now available online [HTML / [PDF]
  • Specialty Spotlight: Beyond bone marrow: a new source of stem cells [HTML / [PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Phenylpropanolamine and hemorrhagic stroke in women [HTML / [PDF]
  • Public Health: Ebola erupts again [HTML / [PDF]

735 Nécrologie • Deaths

Gens de cœur • Heart & Soul
736 Making the connection with Aboriginal culture
K. Kilpatrick

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