Canadian Medical Association Journal / Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

March 15, 1995 / Le 15 mars 1995

CMAJ 1994; 152 (6)

Contents / Table des matières

Editor's Page / Page du rédacteur
803 - An enemy of the people; Un ennemi du peuple, B.P. Squires

Letters / Correspondance - 807

Editorial / Éditorial
819 - Maximizing the benefits of thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction, J. Cairns, P.W. Armstrong, I. Belenkie, J. Hirsh, D.E. Johnstone, M. Knudtson, M. Lemieux, D. Massel, C.D. Naylor, L. Roy, D. Sackett, P. Théroux
825 - Problem drinkers: Can we identify and help them?, D.M.C. Wilson [abstract / résumé]

Women's Health / La santé des femmes
829 - Advocacy groups for breast cancer patients, M. Waller, S. Batt

Clinical Practice Guidelines / Guides de pratique clinique
836 - Periodic health examination, 1995 update: 2. Prevention of dental caries, D.W. Lewis, A.I. Ismail, the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination [full text / résumé]

Current Review / Actualités
851 - Effectiveness of physician-based interventions with problem drinkers: a review, M. Kahan, L. Wilson, L. Becker [abstract / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
863 - Early intervention for alcohol use: family physicians' motivations and perceived barriers, B.R. Rush, L.Y. Powell, T.G. Crowe, K. Ellis [abstract / résumé]
873 - Good judgement or sex bias in the referral of patients for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease? An exploratory study, S.B. Jaglal, P.M. Slaughter, R.S. Baigrie, C.D. Morgan, C.D. Naylor [abstract / résumé]

Science in Medicine / Science médicale
883 - Research, practice and the Cochrane Collaboration, A. Robinson [abstract / résumé]

Clinical Digest
901 - Hygienic intervention in child day-care centres; Preservation of immune function in laparoscopic cholecystectomy; Preemptive organ transplantation in patients with IDDM

Sélection d'articles cliniques
903 - L'hygiène dans les garderies; Conservation de la fonction immunitaire au cours d'une cholécystectomie par laparoscopie; Greffe préventive d'organe chez des sujets atteints de DSID

At a Glance / Aperçu - 917

Environment / Environnement
919 - Were jobs more important than health in Sydney?, N. Robb

Special Report / Document
927 - Potential for violence causing fear among Canadian doctors who perform abortions, E. LeBourdais [abstract / résumé]

Ethics / Éthique
934 - Letter to an ethicist, M. Silver, G. Crelinsten
938 - Revision of Code of Ethics proving to be complicated procedure, P. Sullivan

Business / Les affaires
939 - Doctors aren't immune to theft and fraud, G. Marcus

Medical Practice / Pratique médicale
944 - Veterans worry that unexplained medical problems a legacy of service during Gulf War, A. Robinson [abstract / résumé]

Perspectives / Optique
949 - Clinical management of female genital mutilation must be handled with understanding, compassion, A. Lalonde

History / Promenade dans le passé
951 - BC's Island of Death marked a sad chapter in Canada's medical history, P. Johnston

Capital Accounts / D'importance capitale
956 - Is the pendulum of public opinion swinging in favour of euthanasia?, C. Gray

Education / Éducation
959 - Russian family physicians try to develop an identity in specialist- oriented country, J. Stewart

Affiliated Societies / Sociétés affiliés
965 - Royal College's CME initiative focuses on lifelong, practice-integrated learning, B. Berube

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