Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

December 15, 1996 / Le 15 décembre 1996

CMAJ 1996; 155 (12)

Contents / Table des matières

1657 - President's Message / Message de la présidente

1661 - Letters / Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

Consensus Statement / Énoncé de consensus
1673 - Standards for polysomnography in Canada, C.F.P. George, for the Standards Committees of the Canadian Sleep Society and the Canadian Thoracic Society [abstract / résumé]

Original Research / Nouveautés en recherche
1679 - Physicians' attitudes toward patients' use of alternative cancer therapies, I.L. Bourgeault [abstract / résumé]

Ethical Issues / Éthique et déontologie
1689 - Bioethics for clinicians: 6. Advance care planning, P.A. Singer, G. Robertson, D.J. Roy [full text / résumé]

Editorial / Éditorial
1693 - Polysomnography: addressing the need for standards, W.A. Whitelaw; W.W. Flemons [full text / résumé]

Editorial Policy / Politique rédactionnelle
1697 - Health services research: reporting on studies using secondary data sources, P. Huston, C.D. Naylor [full text]
1703 - Recherches sur les services de santé : rapports d'études fondées sur des sources de données secondaires, P. Huston, C.D. Naylor [texte complet]

1721 - At a Glance / Aperçu

Capital Accounts / Nouvelles de la capitale
1723 - A demographer's crystal ball opens window to our health care future, C. Gray [full text / en bref]

Meeting / Rencontre
1725 - Some "tried and true" treatments challenged during Royal College meeting, P. Harrison [partial text / en bref]

Military Medicine / Médecine militaire
1731 - Surgical centre provided military backdrop for CMA annual meeting in Sydney, P. Sullivan [in brief / en bref]

International Medicine / Médecine internationale
1733 - Finding the heart of medicine at the end of the road in Guatemala, P. Vaughan [in brief / en bref]

Health Care / Les soins
1735 - PEI's fixed link to mainland a living laboratory for occupational medicine, N. Robb [full text / en bref]

Special Report / Document
1737 - Impact on health care adds to the social cost of homelessness, MDs say, F. Lowry [partial text / en bref]

1740 - Deaths / Nécrologie

History / Promenade dans le passé
1741 - Shut out of medicine in Canada, Dr. Leonora Howard King blazed a trail in China, M. Negodaeff-Tomsik [in brief / en bref]

Conference / Conférence
1747 - International inequities dent concept of common front against HIV, E. LeBourdais [full text / en bref]

1669 - Conferences / Conférences

1713 - Books and Other Media / Livres et autres documents

1719 - Directory of CMA Contacts

1720 - Répertoire des personnes-ressources de l'AMC

1750 - Therapeutic Index / Index thérapeutique

1773 - Service Information / Renseignements aux lecteurs

1774 - Classified Advertising / Annonces classées

1784 - Advertisers' Index / Index des annonceurs

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