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January 9, 2001 / le 9 janvier 2001

CMAJ  2001; 164(1)
Highlights of this issue
•  Editorial
•  Letters
•  Research
•  Commentary
•  Review
•  The Left Atrium
•  News
•  Deaths
•  Heart & Soul
Has the cost of a medical education in Ontario moved beyond the financial reach of most students? In this issue, Jacalyn Duffin reviews the actual and relative costs of medical tuition at 3 Ontario schools over the past 150 years, relating them to government funding and public access (page 50).

  Editorial • Éditorial
5 Another modest proposal
7 Une autre proposition modeste

13 Letters • Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents

  Research • Recherche
17 Effect of domperidone on milk production in mothers of premature newborns: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
O.P. da Silva, D.C. Knoppert, M.M. Angelini, P.A. Forret
24 Undiagnosed diabetes: Does it matter?
T.K. Young, C.A. Mustard
    Research Letter Exposé de recherche
32   Determinants of violence in the psychiatric emergency service
A. Oster, S. Bernbaum, S. Patten

  Commentary • Commentaire
    Controversy Controverse
36   Mass flu vaccination in Ontario: a sensible move
R.E. Schabas
38   Mass flu vaccination in Ontario: Is it worthwhile?
V. Demicheli
40   Rebuttal
R.E. Schabas
41   Rebuttal
V. Demicheli
44 Apolipoprotein B versus lipoprotein lipids: vital lessons from the AFCAPS/TexCAPS trial
A.D. Sniderman, J. Bergeron, J. Frohlich
    Occasional Essay Réflexion
50   What goes around, comes around: a history of medical tuition
J. Duffin

  Review • Synthèse
60 Bioethics for clinicians: 21. Islamic bioethics
A.S. Daar, A.B. Al Khitamy
66 Environment and health: 7. Species loss and ecosystem disruption — the implications for human health
E. Chivian

72 The Left Atrium • De l'Oreille Gauche [HTML]
  • Costs and cautions in health care (book review by J.P. Kassirer) [PDF]
  • Psychiatry divided (book review by P. Uhlmann) [PDF]
  • Chalcedonies (reflection by J.A. Nisker) [PDF]
  • One thousand words [PDF]

79 News • Nouvelles
  • Health care got short shrift in an election about nothing [HTML / PDF]
  • Exodus of young doctors has NZ importing "second-class" MDs [HTML / PDF]
  • Canadian MD has right stuff in World Ironman Triathlon [HTML / PDF]
  • Eight physicians elected to Commons [HTML / PDF]
  • WHO compares tobacco to land-mine threat, seeks international rules [HTML / PDF]
  • U of A refuses tobacco-sponsored scholarship donation [HTML / PDF]
  • Nutritional supplement to treat bipolar disorder [HTML / PDF]
  • Will Canada follow US lead on RU 486? [HTML / PDF]
  • Gene mutation may explain multiple-birth pregnancies [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: Going green? Go online [HTML / PDF]
  • Greening of health care goal of new coalition [HTML / PDF]
  • More medical students for Dalhousie [HTML / PDF]
  • Number of medical school applicants drops on both sides of border [HTML / PDF]
  • Stressed parents at "loggerheads" with children, report says [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Does Canada really rank 30th in world in terms of health care? [HTML / PDF]
  • Military's environmental medicine research pushes limits of human endurance [HTML / PDF]
  • Conference Report: What role do genes play in abnormal HDL levels? [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: HRT and venous thromboembolism: more evidence of a link [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: Snowboarding injuries: hitting the slopes [HTML / PDF]

159 Deaths • Nécrologie

  Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
160 Healer to the world
D. Square

In this issue of the Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter:
Thioridazine (Mellaril) and mesoridazine (Serentil): prolongation of the QTc interval
Clopidogrel (Plavix): hematological reactions
Gentamicin ear drops and ototoxicity: update
Drugs of Current Interest

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