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Life and Honorary Members of the League

Honorary Members
Gaston Bellemare
John Robert Colombo
John Flood
Greg Gatenby
Senator Jerry Grafstein
Scott Griffin
Gwen Hoover
Arlene Lampert
Angela Rebeiro
Joe Rosenblatt
Jack Stoddart
Randall Ware
Robert Weaver

Life Members
George Amabile
Elizabeth Brewster
Robert Gibbs
Elizabeth Gourlay
Douglas Jones
Robert Kroetsch
M. Travis Lane
Douglas Lochhead
P.K. Page
James Reaney
Joseph Sherman
Glen Sorestad
Raymond Souster
Heather Spears
Phyllis Webb

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Government of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program, the Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, the Toronto Arts Council and all our friends of poetry.
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