Spring 98

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Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14







Internet Sites of Interest to Young Women


Reviewed by Susan Littleton


Geek Girl is lots of fun. It is a zine written by women in Australia. There are some great articles on cyberfeminism, music reviews, back issues, and a post card page. You can use Geek Girl to send a virtual postcard to anyone you know who has email.

Smart Girl is for younger teenagers, around 13 or 14 years old. There is a cool survey on what young women want to see on the net and some interesting health information.

Girl Power encourages young women to speak out and empower themselves by learning about new technology, especially the constantly changing world of the Internet. There is a forum which young women from all over the world use to communicate. Visitors are encouraged to submit writing via email which may be “published” on the page.

Fat!So? is “For people who don’t apologize for their size!” Humorous articles, great photographs, quizzes, health information and quotations.

Fatgirl is excellent for anyone who is interested in body image. There are discussions of gender, power and sex and how they are defined by/affected by body size. There are great comics and a terrific survey.

gURL is one of the coolest sites on the web. There are excellent articles about everything from body image to the growing number of grrrls on the net. There are games, chat, have fun with the satirical fashion page where you get to dress up a “paper doll” in whatever you like and have it analyzed by the gURL fashion police. gURL is similar to the old (as in before it was taken over by YM) Sassy magazine but better.

NrrdGrrl is for “women who think, talk, and act for themselves. Fill in surveys, vote for members of the NrrdGrrl gallery, submit writing, get a NrrdGrrl T-Shirt. Grrowl e-zine (a NrrdGrrl publication) features fiction, non-fiction, art, mixed media and snarl of the month.

Published monthly, Sojourner provides feature articles, interviews, viewpoints, reviews, fiction and poetry by and of interest to feminist women. Includes a special section on Women in Business


Femina is amazing. It is a list of links for women. It is divided into categories like Health, Arts, Girls, Politics, Literature, and Magazines. Some people have described femina.com as a Yahoo for women.

The Cybergrrl Webstation is a great place to learn on the web. Cybergrrl’s goal is to help women and girls figure out how technology can make sense in their lives and how to use technology effectively. On the Cybergrrl Webstation you will find Cybergrrl Village where you can chat with women who are making technology a part of f their lives, an on-going comic strip called Adventures of Cybergrrl and Cybergrrl’s Web Guide with links, reviews and interviews.


The Youth In Action Network is a free public educational service from Mighty Media. You have to register to participate in most parts of the site but it’s worth it. There are petition and boycott lists and advice on becoming active in your area. Any activist should bookmark this site.

Webgrrl is a cool international networking group that meets both online and in the real world. Use the main Webgrrls page to find a ebgrrls chapter near you.

At StudioXX you will find great Canadian (French and English) content. Articles on cyberfeminism, electrical engineering, art on the net, and Maid in Cyberspace: an art exhibit.

drugs, sex and other teenage stuff

Run by Kids Help Phone which is a 1-800 number (1-800-668-6868) kids/youth (up to age 24) can call for information on drugs, stds, safe sex, where to get counselling, information on abuse and general health questions. There are several forums where you can go to ask a question, ask for or give advice. There are forums on relationships, sexuality, drugs, diversity, sexual violence, abuse, safe sex, and a general health forum. The site also provides young people with statistics around abuse, drug use and teen sexuality, a newsletter, an annual report and an opportunity to send email to a counsellor. This where to go if you have a question and don’t know who to ask. In French and English.

The Addiction Research Foundation online! The Addiction Research Foundation (ARF) is a Canadian foundation whose title is self-explanatory. The purpose is to provide information on substance abuse and addiction. It provides good resources for young people with addictions, mostly in Toronto.


The Lesbian/Gay/Bi Youthlineis a support line run out of Toronto. Their web site offers information on gay issues, the Youthline, coming out to people, activities, support services, health issues for young gay/lesbian/bi people and how to become involved with the Youthline.

Gay and Lesbian resources for South East Asian people around the world. There is tons of info in many SE Asian languages. There two forums for men and women where people are encouraged to post in whichever language they feel comfortable using. The best part of this site is the man/woman of the month page. The man or woman of the month is an Asian activist doing something around queer-Asian issues.

Youth Assistance Organization is a service run by volunteers, created to help self-identifying gay, lesbian, bisexual and questioning youth. YAO exists to provide young people with a safe space online to be themselves. Features Oasis a monthly news and entertainment zine written by and about queer youth and EFLIGHTezine created by & for queer youth on the net.

United Lesbians of African Heritage began in 1990 when a group of African American women decided to form and organization “to promote visibility and unity among Lesbians of African Heritage, to combat all forms of oppression affecting Black lesbians, to provide seminars, lectures, and workshops, conduct conferences, publish literature and materials which educate Lesbians of African Heritage, to increase the economic security of Lesbians of African Heritage by providing educational services relating to business and career development, financial planning and resource management and to support and encourage all expressions of creativity in the arts.”

Blacklist has profiles of lesbian/gay/bi-sexual people of African heritage. Actors, writers, activists, politicians, mathematicians, and judges all appear on this list. There are links to les/bi/gay issues, HIV/AIDS info, African Heritage history and zines


This flashy site is a quick, easy way to obtain information on safer sex and where you can get condoms. The graphics are great!

South East Asian AIDS resource and info page. There are safer sex pages in English, Cantonese, Thai, and several other South East Asian languages.

This is an invaluable resource for women seeking information on women and HIV/AIDS

The Women’s Health Interactive site is a terrific place for women to learn from women. There are forums where one can discuss health issues with women health professionals and there is a gynaecologic health information centre.

The HIV Treatment and Information Network is run by Community AIDS Treatment Information Exchange which is a Canadian organization. Information available includes factsheets, CATIE publications , clinical trials currently underway in Canada and links to other Internet resources. *This site is bilingual.

The AIDS Virtual Librarydeals with the social, political and medical aspects of HIV and AIDS. Topics include alternative treatments and spirituality, organizations and mailing lists, statistical reports on the epidemic, periodicals online, social services, and conferences and symposia.

Something Fishy Eating Disorder Awareness has a great reference page for anyone with questions about eating disorders. There are articles on dancers with eating disorders, symptoms, support services, memorials, poems, personal stories, advice from professional health workers, treatment options and even information on a new CD produced to raise money for eating disorder treatment centres.

Email Susan at: litt@interlog.com

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