Spring 98

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14







Penney’s Picks


A selection of Penney Kome’s useful ‘finds’ on the the Internet, as contributed to the womenspace mailing list.

Share Our Strength


This is an elegant, simple site for a multi-layered organization that operates several innovative anti-poverty and anti-hunger programs. Nice wheat sheaf symbol.


A great page full of links for girls. It’s part of the Ms Foundation site at www.ms.foundation.org/
and it’s called girlworld. I wasn’t thrilled by the games pages, frankly, but this page full of links reached from
looks rich and terrific!

Benton Best Practices

A very useful resource for non-profits and social action groups is the Benton Best Practices site:
which presents information from organizations online, with questionaires which are systematically collected and analyzed. Benton’s “Best Practices Toolkit”

Philanthropy Chronicle

Here’s a journal devoted to issues of importance to the non-profit sector, such as grants, fund-raising, employment & volunteers practices. It’s most US-oriented but there’s so *much* stuff on this site that everybody is likely to find some relevant info.

The Third World Network

How the rest of the world views the MAI, IMF and globalization at:
Well worth the surf, to hear voices not often audible above the burble of the mainstream media.

OMB Watch’s Nonprofits and Technology Project

This is a US organization. OMB stands for Office of Management and Budget—sounds like the Auditor-General in Canada. Nonetheless, some of the grants are offered for international projects. Also, the primary page on this site
is pretty interesting too.

International Bulldozer Blockade

Resources for Mallbusters. Useful links to tuck away in case a developer tries to knock down a pleasant street full of character somewhere near you, in order to build condos, or a mall, or (argh) a Wal-mart.

Websites relevant to Iraq crisis

This list does include a Canadian action site, from Waterloo. And it really illustrates the power of the Internet, to communicate and organize with blinding speed, across vast distances.

Social Justice E-Zine

Here’s a nice bright ezine with international articles that’s part of a progressive web ring. Worth a surf.

Democracies Online Newswire

Advice on Action Alerts (A “How To” Guide)
This looks like a useful guide for working in this new medium.

Center for Women and Religion:
New Chiapas Web Page

Links to news sources, late-breaking news, and messages sent to from members of religious communities and human rights organizations.
Check out the CWR main home page too, with newsletters from women’s groups in a wide range of faiths.

StarNet in Chiapas

Websites are really getting ambitious—a whole series is a large undertaking. The Web activities about Chiapas have demonstrated over and over again that “indigenous” does not necessarily mean unsophisticated.

The Nation Digital Edition

The Nation is a thoughtful publication that often deals with issues such as race relations.

Impact Online

Impact Online is Volunteer America—with tips and organizational links, and blueprints for using the Net to multiply the effectiveness of non-profits. Got a moment? Worth a peek, IMO.
There is a list of agencies who provide great tips on effective online activism at

Email Penney Kome at

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