Spring 98

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14








Girls’ WWW Resources

Cyber Sisters


Girls Around the World in Sisterhood - For g i r l z ages 6 to 18

“Who are the cyber sisters?
Cyber Sisters are girls on the internet who will stick up for each other, help each other out, and be friends when you just need someone to talk to.”

Headed by two ‘net pals - carol scott and marisa louie
Cyber Sisters runs an electronic mailing list, a monthly newsletter, and penpal programs.

Girl Tech


“ Creating a World for the Adventurous Spirit”
Links to Girl friendly sites on the internet
Places for Girls to Meet - chat rooms, penpals, languages
Discover the World of Words - stories and collections, authors, girls in the news
Express Yourself with Words and Art! - Things to make, writing
Beautiful Art and Designs to Look At! - Art by girls, kids’ art, museums
Did You Know?... History, women & girls, women in science, stars & planets, computers

Tomorrow’s Girl


“is about the wonderful ideas, creativity, and fun and laughter within every girl. . . young and old. Tomorrow’s Girl is about being proud of the things you’ve done, about being smart and happy with it, about liking school and school activities, and about using technology to communicate your ideas to other young girls.”
Founded by Cheryl Hershey.

Donna Woodka’s WWW home page


“The Internet for Girls: Connecting Girls With Math, Science and Technology” (forthcoming book) “There are many books out there now to introduce people to the Internet, guides for parents and teachers and kids, but I didn’t see one that really encouraged girls to take an interest in what was behind the Internet - to truly become creators of new technology, rather than simply its users. Or to encourage them to stand up for their own rights to learn and to know and to understand technology.”

    Topics & Resources online include
  • Encouraging Girls in Mathematics and Science
  • Teaching and the Internet: Ideas for Teachers in the Classroom
  • Parenting and the Internet: Ideas for Parents at Home
  • Mentors and Peer Groups on The Internet: A Virtual Science and Math “Camp”
  • International Internet Resources: Connecting Girls Around the World
  • The Internet for Girrrls Themselves: Girls Just want to have FUN!!!!!
  • Resources , Readings, Internet Safety and Netiquette

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| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |
| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Home |

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