Spring 98

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14







Fun & Learning for Kids


International Kids’ Space


Includes International Kids’ Space for creative activities, Kids’ Space Connection for communication activities, and the Guide Bear’s Guide Tour as a learning resource for using both sites and the Internet.

“As Kids’ Space expanded, maintaining the public spirit of the sites with a stable management system has been the main concern. Since Kids’ Space has been used for creative activities in many classrooms, we decided to keep the sites commercial-free, while promoting Kids’ Space to non-profit organization status. We hope that Kids’ Space will continue to grow and flourish as a place that helps children world wide explore and communicate with new technologies. “

Kids Gallery

To show pictures on the net. There are eight categories in the Gallery: Abstract, Animals, Fantasy, Scenery, Science, People, Transpotation, and the ClassRoom Showcase.


To read and to send stories. There are three chapters in the Storybook:
I. Monthly stories, II. Original Stories, and III. Class works

Beanstalk Project

To create a picture book while cooperating with other children on the net. A child can send either a picture or a story that goes with another child’s work.

On Air Concert

To share musical works played by children. This page uses the LiveAudio Plugin to play sound files.

Berit’s Best Sites for Children


Internet sites listed on Berit’s Best Sites for Children have been selected and given a rating out of 5 based on appearance, content, ease of use, organization, relevance, suitability for a young audience.
Number of Sites Reviewed: 758

  • Just For Fun - crafts, games, stories, magazines, sports, music
  • Holidays - Easter & Passover, St. Patrick’s Day, Winter, Christmas, Hanukkah & Kwanzaa, & more
  • Serious Stuff - Art, environment, government, health and safety, history, science and math, space, travel
  • Kids on the Net - Find A Penpal, Chat With Friends, By Kids, For Kids, Family
  • Creatures Great and Small - on the farm, animals, creepy crawlies, dinosaurs, fish and ships, frogs
  • Safety on the Net
email to berit@cochran.com.

Jewish Children’s Website Guide


is designed to assist Jewish children in locating websites of interest. Links with sites offering fun, learning, Jewish stories and vocabulary, penpals, humor, Jewish music, book reviews, slide show, photo gallery, chat rooms, holiday sites with interactive games, scavenger hunt, science and adventure, Jewish connections for kids.

Afro-Americ@ Kids Zone


Myths and fables from around the world. Discover the countries of Africa, Fun & games Brain Teasers - test your knowledge with puzzles, scrambles, quizes

Kids Web Japan


Virtual Japanese Culture / Japan Kids Gallery / Games
Monthly News / What’s Cool / Annual Calendar / Eco Kids
Kids Web Plaza / Kids Link / Questions / Feedback

Dodoland in Cyberspace


Dragon Ship - Stories, Activities, Word Games;
Night Bubble - Gallery of Art and Writing
Island of Eyes - A Place to Meet Authors and Illustrators
Giant Flower Island - Nature Retreat to Learn About the Environment


First Nations Website on SchoolNet


Cultural Resources, Curriculum, Elders Teachings, Health Resources, Homepage News, Legal Resources, Listserv, More Links!, Nations, News/Journals, Online Schools, Organizations, School Projects, Treaties & Legislation, Youth Resources

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