Spring 98

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14







The Online Birth Center

pregnancy, birth, midwifery, breastfeeding

The Online Birth Center continues to be an amazingly useful set of resources and links, which have steadily grown over the past three years. Donna Dolezal Zelzer has been one of the innovators in developing web resources, and an inspiration to us all.

Check this site out for information, ideas and enthusiasm for what can be done online. Whether you have a few minutes or many hours to explore this site, don't miss it!

    Information on Midwifery, Pregnancy, Birth and Breastfeeding
  • Midwifery Today - Visit the MT Directory of E-Mail Addresses for contacts in your area.
  • The Midwifery Page - for both practicing and aspiring midwives, and anyone who wants to learn more about this profession.
  • The Parents Page - designed to help parents. Links to information on fertility problems, pregnancy, birth, childhood diseases and special problems.
  • Nutrition and Pregnancy - how to give your baby the best possible start!
  • High Risk Situations and Complications in pregnancy, labor, and birth - physical, social, and psychological problems, including physical and sexual abuse.
  • Breastfeeding, Lactation, and Infant Nutrition resources
  • Media Center - showcases resources on pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding
  • Newsgroups and Mailing Lists - for parents and birth practitioners.
  • Organizations - for midwives, birth assistants, parents and others involved with birth.
  • Alternative Health Resources - Herbs, Chinese Medicine, Homepathy and more.
  • Women's Resources - inluding links to several health-related sites.
  • General Health and Medical Information
  • Articles and Other Information in the Birth Center
Subscribe to the OBC News — a free weekly newsletter!

Send an email message to: Majordomo@efn.org

and put ONLY the words:

subscribe obcnews

in the BODY of the message.

Write to: owner-obcnews@efn.org for a sample copy

The Online Birth Centre includes a valuable search tool, and is linked to other similar sites through the pregnancy WebRing and the WWWomen WebRing

Contact: Donna Dolezal Zelzer at djz@efn.org

| Top | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Home |

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