Spring 98

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14








by Jennifer Gagliardi

Late 1994, I was sitting at my desk, keeping one eye on my monitor while reviewing some documentation I had picked up earlier in the day at a regional prepatory conference for the UN Women’s Conference (4WCW). I remembered feeling excited yet discouraged: excited by the energy generated by women coming together to set their own agenda (thereby determining are own lives—wow!), yet discouraged because one would almost have to be a professional feminist, community activist, civic/religious leader, or university student to gain access to this information &/or be on the right mailing list.

I was none of the above. I was merely a night-shift mainframe operator who had taken a summer school class three years before on ecofeminism. In this class, we had seen a film on the 1975 UN Women’s Conference. When I heard that the next one was in Beijing, my mind tilted at the “herstoricity” of such a an event & made a private vow to go. Little did I know that this vow would go public in an BIG way.

Gradually I gave up on the documents, & checked my email. Although I was on multiple feminist email list, there was nothing about the conference. D-D-D—I deleted them all. Looking at the index one more time, my mind titled again: “Hey, I’m a computer tech. I have an email acct, know unix, know some of the feminists on the net, and am a feminist myself. Why don’t I start an email list for the 4WCW?”

Stone Soup: I applied for a majordomo list from my isp, posted an announcement, and was “stoned” with subscription requests. BEIJING95-L was launched on Sunday, January 22, 1995 as a women-only discussion of the UN Conference on Women. In March, a second women-only discussion list BEIJING95-WOMEN was created, and BEIJING95-L was up to both women and men. (Late 1995, BEIJING95-WOMEN was renamed ABIGAILS-L & revamped as a general discussion list for feminist activists).

Soon the “pot” overflowed with info. Onlist discussions included: the language of the Platform of Action; the move of the NGO portion of the conference from Beijing to Huairou; difficulties with conference registration, visa, & hotel arrangements; the composition and exclusion of delegations from the Conference; the status of women in China; and international action alerts concerning women.

Although I put in countless hours managing a list which brimmed with travel plans, I was still ambivalent about going myself: where could I fit in such a conference? At the eleventh hour, Susan Mooney of IGC/Womensnet asked if I would like to go along as a volunteer—I nearly swooned! So in late Aug 95 I joined Susan Mooney, Edie Farewell, and approximately 40 other women from the international network of Association of Progressive Communication to provide free onsite internet services to the participants of NGO/UN World Conference on Women.

From the conference sites, BEIJING95-L & BEIJING95-WOMEN carried continuous news, caucus reports, press releases, documents, and personal accounts net-wide. People at home were able to immediately respond to the latest developments, contact delegates, caucuses, & gov’t officials, and influence the language of the NGO Declaration & the Final Platform.

Post-conference, BEIJING95-L has continued to disseminate information concerning the international feminist community & events plus announcement s of post-Beijing activities & resources. Discussion is inspired by current events and the 12 concerns detailed in the Plan of Action: poverty, education, health, violence, armed & other conflicts, economic participation, power-sharing & decision making, human rights, mass media, environment & development, and the girl-child. Recent threads include FGM (female genital mutilation), trafficking in women, femicide, literacy, women & microcredit, women & Islam, women in China, Bella Abzug, & UN activities.

To subscribe to BEIJING95-L please send a message to:

address: majordomo@NETCOM.COM

subject: (leave blank)

text: subscribe BEIJING95-L

For further information, please feel free to contact me,
Jennifer Gagliardi, at gagliajn@netcom.com
or check out my web page:


Hope to see you onlist soon!

Jennifer, moderator BEIJING95-L

Follow-up to Beijing
The Fourth World Conference on Women

The UN Internet Gateway on the Advancement
and Empowerment of Women
A joint project of DAW, UNIFEM and INSTRAW
The UN Working for Women
UN Global Conferences and Women
Follow-up to Beijing, Women of the World
News and Views, Global Forum

The post Beijing Virtual Clearinghouse
Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW/ ICREF)
Follow-up Actions, Information Sharing post-Beijing
Info and reports from UN and national post Beijing meetings

UN Platform for Action Committee (Manitoba) UNPAC (MB)
Events around Manitoba, Beijing Issue Sheets, with Canadian content
How to join in local activities,
Great Links to the Follow up of the Fourth World Conference on Women, including:

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