Summer 98

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16







Women of Kali
We Will Not Be Subdued

“I see my body everywhere: tortured, strangled, mutilated, raped, on posters, in movies, in magazines. Men get defensive. They’re just images, it’s not real. But they are women’s bodies, my body. Anonymous, faceless, they represent everywoman. Real women, they say, are in those magazines we’re supposed to buy; they are in the magazines full of advice. Telling us what we should look like. The real women are caked with make up, air-brushed, surgically altered, posed. I look at them, I don’t see myself.”

WOMEN OF KALI website includes resources on Rape / Pornography / Power / Misogyny in the media / Links / Fight Back! / Action Needed!

Mailing List - WOMEN OF KALI is a moderated list for discussions of feminist politics, especially concerning misogyny in the media and on the net. It also provides updates of the Women of Kali web site. You can subscribe by using a form on the site.

Women of Kali is linked with similar sites through several WebRings

  • Leftgrrls WebRing
    "Leftgrrls believes that women have as many opinions as faces. I also believe that women are tough, smart, dedicated and determined. I created this webring to bring together feminists who share some common thoughts ~ particularly pro-choice and independent political thinking.”

  • The Feminist WebRing
    “I feel that the word “feminist” has many negative connotations, and that the fear many people have of identifying as “feminist” (and having others automatically make negative assumptions based on the negative connotations) is one of the reasons for a lack of unity among people who believe in women’s rights.”

  • Ring of Revolutionary GoddessGrrls
    “you say you want a revolution”
    “This webring is for all you goddesses out there. actually... since we are so anti-sex discrimination we would love to have a few boys join too!! now who exactly is a goddess? any grrl with enough of a kick ass attitude to even THINK about joining this ring has to have at least a little goddess in her!”

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    | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 |
    | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Home |

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