Summer 98

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16








CharityVillage is an active resource filled Web site. It is advertised as “Canada’s supersite for the non-profit sector….an ever growing site, 1,300 pages of news, jobs, information and resources”. The site is updated at least weekly, constantly adding new material. To keep up with growth you can subscribe to their email “newsflash”, VillageVibes, which will arrive in your mailbox every Monday (holidays included). You can sign on from their Web site or by email by sending the message:
subscribe village vibes yourfirstname yourlastname

Like almost everything else about this site you participate in more than one way. Feedback is encouraged through email, phone and fax. There’s also a weekly discussion Speakout section where your opinions are put online - the week of this review the topic focused on the fact that there are more women than men as both volunteers and staff in the non-profit sector.

The directory of non-profits has 26 categories, including women, poverty/social policy, internet, gays and lesbians, environmental. The grant giving foundations list is much shorter. NewsWeek has a Cover Story, News Briefs, Volunteer Bulletin Board, Fundraising and Other Events, Conferences & Seminars and the News Archive. The career centre includes Career Opportunities, and Job Search Assistance. The “Bus Station” includes Canadian Nonprofit Organizations, Online Resources, Publications and online discussions For Nonprofits. There’s a library of resources, and a link to InKind Canada “matching the material surpluses of business to the needs of charities” at

I really appreciate groups who share information about projects they have done. It gives ideas, warns of pitfalls, and teaches me something of the huge capacity women have to do great work. For example, women in Saskatchewan recently held a day long symposium “Alice’s Adventures in Saskatchewan” and put everything online. This includes the conference planning, goals, activities and an outline of the participants’ “Infobundle” which covered Getting Online; the Uses of Email; and How Web Pages Can Be Used.

The first report on the June symposium came from the project co-ordinator, Bernadette Wagner “More than 80 women came together at the University of Regina to network, to learn and to share at our symposium. The energy in the room, as explained by one woman, was like ‘witnessing a birth’. Certainly, it was powerful!” Watch their Web site for the conference final report - coming very soon.

Watch out for VolNet
“The Voluntary Sector Network Support Program (VolNet) is a new initiative to improve the voluntary sector’s access to information technology, and the related skills and tools available to help them play a stronger role in Canadian society.” Keep up with the unfolding of this new initiative through the VolNet website.

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| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 |
| Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Home |

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