Summer 98

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16







Women’s Art Online

WOMAN ARTIST ONLINE Illustration by Juliet Breese

Here’s just a sample of the growing number of sites devoted to women’s art.


“WomEnhouse is a collaborative, multi-authored site that explores the politics of domesticity and gender relations through virtual “rooms” and conceptual domestic “spaces” by 24 artists, architects, poets, art historians, and cultural theorists. WomEnhouse takes its initial inspiration from the 1972 Womanhouse, a groundbreaking feminist project by Judy Chicago, Miriam Schapiro and Faith Wilding, and other artists involved in the Feminist Art Program at the California Institute of the Arts and from the local community.”

The World’s Women On-Line!

“The World’s Women On-Line! is an electronic art networking project originally established to be presented at the United Nations’ Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China in 1995. Utilizing the Internet as a global exhibition format, this site focuses attention on the challenge of bringing the vast resource of women’s experience and culture into the rapidly developing field of information technology. The World’s Women On-Line! demonstrates the professionalism and achievement of women artists internationally; bridges language barriers through art imagery; and promotes the interdisciplinary collaboration between technologists and artists.”

Women Artists in Canada

“1,482 works of art by 131 women artists. They are active in a variety of disciplines, such as ceramics, computer arts, fibre arts, glass and jewelry making, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and video, to name but some. It gives the user an entryway to our Canadian heritage by illustrating the importance of women artists in the visual arts, highlighting their various talents, ambitions, and success stories.”
Bilingual, French and English.

Maid in Cyberspace

Two of several projects online at Studio XX, Montreal's digital media resource centre for women. Maid in Cyberspace - le festival XX d'art WWW. NightLight - an on-line collection of web art by women artists. Site is bilingual, French and English.

Guerrilla Girls
The Guerrilla Girls are a group of women artists and arts professionals who make posters about discrimination...We wear gorilla masks to focus on the issues rather than our personalities. We use humor to convey information, provoke discussion, and show that feminists can be funny...Our work has been passed around the world by kindred spirits who consider themselves Guerrilla Girls too. The mystery surrounding our identities has attracted attention and support. We could be anyone; we are everywhere.”

Women & Art Databases


Hundreds of links to women & art sites,
and a guided tour (WebRing)

Feminist Majority Foundation

the Feminist Arts, Literature and Entertainment Center.


Visual Arts Section

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