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Report from the LibraryNet Workshop

June 15-16, 1997
Cantley, Québec

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Appendix A

Brainstorming around the issue statement "Ensuring mutual benefit from LibraryNet".

  1. I wish libraries had more money.
  2. I wish that full-text information was well-integrated with library catalogues in a wide-area network context, and integrated with the National Resource Sharing Strategy.
  3. I wish that we would develop an excellent train-the-trainers package with a library public relations/advocacy component.
  4. I wish that LibraryNet would sponsor, with funding, library application projects that are demonstrations of best practices.
  5. I wish that the respect held by citizens for libraries and community organizations could be recognized by the provincial and federal governments in concrete terms ($$).
  6. I wish for standard information interfaces.
  7. I wish that all employees of Canadian public libraries were trained to provide public training on the Internet.
  8. I wish that I didn't have to choose between new and old media (funding).
  9. How to ensure that all Canadian public libraries provide access to electronic government information and services.
  10. I wish that we could do more than talk about literacy.
  11. How to ensure the balance of expenditure and benefit between governments, libraries, and individuals in the long term re: public access to government information/services.
  12. I wish that all libraries could afford on-line access charges.
  13. I wish that LibraryNet would provide all Canadian public libraries with ongoing annual support (regular $$).
  14. How to ensure proactive involvement of libraries in providing access points to government information in a sustainable way.
  15. I wish that Industry Canada/LibraryNet would lobby the federal government for free government information to libraries.
  16. Je souhaite que le gouvernement fédéral prevoit d'autres programmes pour assurer la continuité des CAPs.
  17. I wish that libraries coordinated in-home information access.
  18. How to structure the planning and implementation of the LibraryNet opportunity as a distinct and realistic program.
  19. I wish for the provision of better telecommunication rates to public libraries and schools.
  20. I wish to have reduced communication rates.
  21. How to provide uniform access standards to electronic information for libraries.
  22. I wish for citizens' response to the federal government program as "model information highway/Internet user" through public libraries (federal government as "model" user requires response from citizens).
  23. I wish every library branch provided in-house, free access to electronic information.
  24. I wish "connectivity" meant integration with existing library automation.
  25. I wish that all libraries will be connected (especially small, northern communities).
  26. I wish that Industry Canada/LibraryNet could develop (buy) and deliver a uniform training package for electronic access.
  27. I wish every public library to be connected to the Internet on a sustainable basis.
  28. I wish every library branch was automated (catalogue/circulation/patron, etc.).
  29. How to sustain access (affordably).
  30. I wish to have a good training package for remote local libraries.
  31. How to capitalize on the Mbanx opportunity strategically.
  32. I wish that all the public libraries in my province would be connected with the help of LibraryNet.
  33. I wish that the resources are made available to ensure that staff in public libraries are properly trained to use the technology and that the training is continuing.
  34. I wish that public libraries would be recognized by government as agencies to provide free access to government information.
  35. I wish, understanding the common objectives of government and libraries, to articulate the needs of libraries to enable their new, emerging "roles" (policy advice and advocacy).
  36. How to package the LibraryNet vision to get the $$ for a sustainable program from the federal government and sponsors.
  37. I wish that libraries would have a stronger, more coordinated voice to influence the federal government agenda.
  38. How to provide free access to all information in a technological environment.
  39. I wish that LibraryNet/Industry Canada would lobby the federal government for federal funding to public libraries.
  40. Je souhaite que le gouvernement fédéral affirme que l'accès aux ressources électroniques via les CAPs soit gratuit pour les utilisateurs.
  41. I wish that every public library in Canada would be provided with salary $$ for a youth trainer to work with other youth, library staff, and the public in technology.
  42. How to ensure public libraries receive resources to provide public information highway access.
  43. I wish that my staff fully understood the potential of new technology (Internet, etc.).
  44. How to negotiate long-term financial contracts with the private sector and federal government partners for the benefit of all public libraries in communities.
  45. I wish to see libraries positioned as resource centres and lifelong learning centres.
  46. I wish to reduce telecommunications costs: local and long-distance and leased lines.
  47. I wish that access to information would be easier and cheaper rather than harder and costlier.
  48. How to ensure public libraries become economic incubators.
  49. I wish that the Internet/LibraryNet has content which is useful to libraries.
  50. I wish libraries had an incentive program to prod local fundraising (especially in small communities).
  51. I wish that government(s) assisted libraries to distribute their (government) information (nationally/provincially/locally).
  52. How to ensure equitable access across the country + affordable, balanced.
  53. I wish to get more $$.
  54. How to market more effectively/efficiently the information that is available and can be accessed.
  55. I wish that libraries provided more local information electronically.
  56. I wish that the prevalent economic agenda that uses technology as its engine would recognize the potential of people and their need to participate and be included.
  57. How to ensure consistency throughout the country (standards).
  58. How to sustain long term the ongoing costs.
  59. How to ensure recognition at all levels - from the people in a small community right up through government.
  60. I wish that libraries would be fully acknowledged for what they do.
  61. I wish to have more co-operation with public libraries of Quebec (urban and regional libraries).
  62. I wish that LibraryNet provided any activities and products to promote libraries (quality and usefulness in terms of added value).
  63. I wish that communications costs aren't a barrier.
  64. I wish the information access skills of the library community could be better used by government.
  65. I wish that every time government sits down to discuss network content, the table includes a policy person, a technical person, and a librarian.
  66. How to ensure strong training component for staff and public.
  67. How to develop a strong library voice.
  68. I wish that LibraryNet permitted public libraries to exchange any advancements and research results (pilot experience) in research and development in library science.
  69. I wish for full access to all information by all citizens of Canada.
  70. I wish to do library business in new ways.
  71. How to bring together the potential of Industry Canada and libraries without compromising library values.
  72. I wish to reduce telecommunications costs.
  73. I wish that the respect that Canadians have for their libraries translated into resources.
  74. I wish that government information was universally accessible.
  75. I wish to be high-profile.
  76. How to solve the issue of affordable telecommunications for all Canadians does not look easy.
  77. I wish to provide free government information to the public.
  78. I wish that data/Internet lines could be faster and handle more information without higher costs.
  79. I wish to be reimbursed for providing government information.
  80. I wish that every library had adequate, affordable access to the Internet.
  81. How to proceed without necessarily reaching consensus on all issues.
  82. I wish to provide more community-based information services.
  83. I wish that all federal government information could be properly organized and made available through a national library network.
  84. I wish that LibraryNet permits us to work with economic organizations, particularly in urban areas.
  85. I wish provincial governments could be encouraged to increase funding for library/information services.
  86. I wish that the specific library role as providing alternative learning services for life-long learning was properly recognized.
  87. I wish that LibraryNet activities were more closely integrated with National Library initiatives (e.g. National Resource Sharing Strategy, digitization projects, etc.).
  88. How to provide sustainable funding opportunities for all public libraries in Canada.
  89. How to redesign Industry Canada LibraryNet strategy to reflect the importance of public libraries' economic impact on Canada's information highway.
  90. I wish that LibraryNet permitted participation of patrons in the development of public libraries (development and organization of contents under Internet).
  91. Je souhaite qu'il y ait des programmes de subvention pour supporter la formation à Internet pour les employés de bibliothèques publiques.
  92. I wish that LibraryNet would develop a set of standards for public access to the Internet that would provide a comprehensive public service.
  93. I wish public libraries to have a place in the life-long learning market/process through the provision not only of access to the Internet but also to facilities, expertise, group participation and mentoring, etc.
  94. I wish that all libraries have enough public access connections to library/internetworks.

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Appendix B

Participants organized the brainstormed ideas of Appendix A into an initial set of themes.

  1. Funding
    • more $$ overall
      • for Internet connectivity
      • reimbursement for services
      • new applications
      • protecting free access
    • long-term
    • use as a lever
    • diversified
  2. Telecommunications Rates
    • cheaper
    • equitable
    • roles (e.g. Industry Canada, LibraryNet)
    • ubiquitous access
    • negotiating power as a group (buying consortium)
  3. Access
    • universal
    • equitable
    • affordable
    • defining "universal" access
  4. Standards
    • organization of information
    • search tools
    • service delivery (e.g. "Internet access" = )
    • mechanisms to reach standards
    • principles for CAP MOUs
  5. Training
    • staff
    • trainers
    • public
    • $$ for training
    • best practices
    • packages
    • community involvement
  6. Integrated Content
    • access/delivery of government information through public libraries
    • linking to national networks
    • accessible in user-friendly way (i.e. management + organization)
    • who pays??
    • community ownership/input
    • determining community needs for information
    • desire to upload community information
    • libraries as windows on the world
    • new technology means more external pressures on libraries
    • opportunity for community to reflect itself to the world
    • digitization
    • non-government/non-community
  7. Advocacy
    • libraries
    • citizenship rights
    • reflecting citizen support in resources
    • converting love into $$
    • library vision
    • role of LibraryNet in advocacy
  8. Library Voice
    • internal issue
    • getting authorization to speak for/negotiate for libraries
    • relates to structures (government, library organizations, etc.)
  9. New Relationships
    • partnerships
    • reimbursement for services
    • sponsorship
    • new users
..last modified: 2003.06.11 important notices..
Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.