Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.

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and Digitization
In addition
to providing Internet access for their users, public libraries are also
meeting the challenges of increasing Canadian content on the Internet.
Many have received support from the SchoolNet Digital Collections program
to create original collections of digitized material, while others are
participating in initiatives aimed at providing solutions to the problems
of digital publication.
- Creating
and Documenting Electronic Texts
- This resource
(published by the Oxford Text Archive) takes users through the basic
steps involved in creating and documenting an electronic text or similar
digital resource. The guide is intended as a reference work for individuals
and organizations involved with, or planning, the digitization of texts
or similar material. It also includes a glossary and a bibliography
of recommended reading.
- Current
- A current
awareness citation journal on library and information technology. A
team of librarians and library staff monitors information technology
literature in both print and digital formats, each month selecting only
the best items to annotate for a free publication. The resulting issue
can be viewed online, or users can subscribe to a monthly mailing list.
- Electronic
Publications Pilot 1996 - 1997: final report
- This report,
revised in May 1999, describes the Electronic Publications Pilot (EPP)
which was conducted to gather knowledge on how library staff and their
clients are adjusting to the Internet. The objective of the pilot was
to assess the impact of replacing print publications with electronic
equivalents via the Internet in depository libraries. The major conclusions
of the pilot cover resources and training, web site feedback, selection
of publications for conversion to electronic format, web site access
and security, publication functionality and access and archiving.
- E-preservation
- A resource
site which provides information on the creation, use and preservation
of digital collections. It was developed through a cooperative effort
between the National Library of Canada and the Canadian Initiative on
Digital Libraries (CIDL).
- Going
Digital: issues in digitisation for public libraries
- One of
a series of issue papers published by the UK government's Networked
Services Policy Task Group. It explores policy issues that public libraries
need to consider when developing digitization projects or services,
as well as providing references to more detailed sources of advice and
guidance for managers. Among other topics, the paper covers initial
planning and implementation phases of a digitization project; the key
stages of the digitization process; data management strategies; delivery
services; and sustainability.
- International
Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
- IFLA has
assembled links to a large number of resources
giving information about electronic collections and services in Canada
and around the world. IFLA is currently working on behalf of UNESCO
to establish a virtual library of digital collections worldwide.
- Canada's
Digital Collections
- The capabilities
of the Internet to provide multimedia, interactivity, and rapid transfer
of data suggest an incredible potential for libraries and archives:
ready access to resources by a wide range of users, resource sharing,
and preservation of collections all become possible through digital
archives and WWW publishing. Industry Canada is helping organizations
realize this potential through Canada’s Digital Collections (CDC) program.
- Canadian
Initiative on Digital Libraries
- CIDL is
an alliance of Canadian libraries that recognize the growing importance
of digital information, and wish to collaborate to ensure better use
of digital information and better service to their users.
- Early
Canadiana Online
- ECO is
a digital project converting early works of Canadian literature, native
studies and women's history from microform and making them accessible
through the Internet.
- The
Electronic Text Centre
- A project
of the University of New Brunswick Libraries which publishes and makes
available electronic texts on the Internet, including historical and
literary materials, journals and newspapers.
- Inventory
of Canadian Digital Initiatives
- A web-accessible
database of Canadian digital information resources, developed by the
National Library of Canada to make information about Canadian digital
projects centrally available in order to help avoid duplication and
to foster resource and information sharing. The Inventory is dependent
on submissions by institutions and individuals; all institutions or
individuals are encouraged to submit entries about their digital information
projects being undertaken in Canada, or about Canada.
- The
Virtuoso Group
- A scholarly
publishing consortium working to improve access to and dissemination
of scholarly publications on the Internet.