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Smart Community Conference Papers

Several presenters from the Get Smart! : Economic Development, Libraries, and Smart Communities conference held in Toronto in June 1999 have made written versions of their papers available here in PDF format. [Note: To read PDF files, you must have or download the free Adobe Acrobat software.]



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Anhang, Abe. The Manitoba Centre of Knowledge : A Revolutionary Approach to Building a Smart Community
Campbell, Cathy. Getting Involved : The Contribution of an Australian Government Special Library to Rural Economic Development
Cubberley, Maureen, & Stan Skrzeszewski. Smart Libraries in Smart Communities
Deacon, Mark. Smart Communities - The Key to Canada's Economic and Social Growth
Gurstein, Michael. Information Technology, Community Informatics, and Strategies Towards Rural Revitalization
Joling, Carole, & Patrik Hunt. International Development and Smart Communities
MacDonald, Andrew. CCIS Teleport (Edinburgh) : Life on the Digital Frontier - Sustainable Digital Inclusion or Digital Delusion
Morris, Anne. Connecting UK Public Libraries : ICT and Impacts on Communities
Newman, Wendy, & Chris Friel. Smart Communities and Public Libraries
Roberts, Ken. The Hamilton-Wentworth Smart Community Plan
Salmers, Greg. Libraries, Internet, Community Development in Canada : An Assessment of What's Working, What's Not, and Why
Sharp, Crystal. Library-Based Business Incubators : A Model for Libraries to Promote Economic Development in Their Communities
Sherman, Susan. Getting Information to Rural Canadians : The Development of the Canadian Rural Information Service
Sweetnam, Randy. Telecommunications and Economic Development : A Case Study of the District of Algoma, Nothern Ontario
Walzer, Norman, & Karen Stott. Library Outreach Services Report
..last modified: 2003.09.29 important notices..
Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.