Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004. LibraryNet Connectivity Survey: British Columbia Go directly  to Site  Map
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  • new computers
  • faster internet connection (2)
  • money to subscribe to databases and magazines through the internet
  • Fiber optic line
  • More computers
  • More staff time for website updates and training
  • Payment of fines and fees remotely
  • Sophisticated booking software which would allow remote booking of library workstations
  • More information databases full text
  • increase gbps
  • online public access
  • full text database subscriptions (2)
  • full streaming video for videoconferencing and courses over the web
  • access to online databases
  • retrospective digitizing of local newspapers
  • New Computers/Instead of trying to upgrade older models
  • Able to offer our patrons more software applications
  • Uptodate computer systems
  • Wireless Internet Connection
  • Subscriptions to online databases for research
  • More electronic resources
  • More electronic services (pay fines, register for a card)
  • Access to ebooks (3)
  • new staff member for Ongoing lessons/upgrading
  • access to full text magazines etc
  • access to library database for reservations and renewals
  • this is not what you want to hear. We need a new, much larger facility. If we had this facility, we would house more computers to serve our growing population
  • we would like to offer workshops on the use of our computers and the internet
  • OPAC Online (3)
  • Internet training in small groups ongoing basis
  • More access stations
  • Faster access
  • Internet training either online or in library for staff and patrons
  • Online access to our catalogue/Circ system.
  • Access to online databases.
  • Access to digital copies of our local archives.
  • Own website
  • More stations
  • Training public
  • more internet stations
  • faster connectivity
  • more staff help for patrons (don't always have the services of our LibraryNet student)
  • a dedicated computer lab
  • full access to city archives
  • downloading of digital books
  • na (5)
  • electronic periodical subscriptions
  • electronic encyclopedia subscriptions
  • new equipment for a faster internet connection
  • continuous computer and Internet training for staff and public
  • training for web page design
  • satellite service
  • more access computers
  • collection on these computers
  • newer computers
  • money for upgrading
  • money for staff training
  • More terminals (maybe a computer lab)
  • Better machines (more memory, faster, etc)
  • nothing else that I can think of.
  • programming and internet training
  • clustered computing development
  • In house library software development
  • dedicated Information Station with CDs
  • dedicated children's computer
  • reference services via videoconference
  • videoconferencing for public,staff, board meetings
  • much more extensive training for staff and public
  • ecommerce (pay fines, etc. remotely)
  • access to additional electronic databases
  • multilingual access
  • establish mobile computer lab service for 5 surrounding bands of upper statimc nation on reserve for literacy and distance education
  • partner in learning center/computer lab with paid support staff
  • provide government agent services online with paid support staff
  • wireless internet access
  • windows nt network
  • upgraded computer workstations
  • access to online databases ie encyclopedias, statutes (2)
  • training staff
  • a scanner for public use
  • isdn connection
  • live library collection database available online
  • digitized collections of local newspapers, historical documents
  • online magazines and newspapers
  • homeaccessed ill (interlibrary loan) orders
  • epayments of fines and fees, donations, etc.
  • some type of portal / customized searching / SDI (selective dissemination of information) services including broadcast seaching of multiple sources at one go
  • personalized referernce service on demand from home including some kind of shared view of the search in progress
  • Fax machine service
  • Internet and computer use training on an ongoing basis, not just occasional
  • Automation of library catalogue
  • digital audio and video on demand
  • centralized real time reference with video
  • Computer technician on staff to help public
  • More Computers
  • Computer room separate from the rest of the library
  • More internet work stations
  • Staff dedicated to assisting the public and for troubleshooting
  • Information technologist to maintain and upgrade internet network
  • Wireless connection
  • New workstations: Pentiums
  • Timing software: software that would limit the time a person can use the net
  • search OPAC
  • access electronic resources
  • reserve books
  • Create computer lab
  • Increase public workstations
  • Increase online databases
  • ADSL hookup
  • 3 more stations one dedicated to staff
  • hook up to charging data base information sites
  • no ideas for new services at this time
  • High speed access
  • Provide library catalogue online
  • Patron initiated ILL's
  • more computers
  • computer lab
  • scanner
  • Faster connection speed
  • Streaming Video Course
  • Access and training on the internet, for staff and the public, where they didn't have to pay.
  • Free employment research for the unemployed.
  • Email collection for seniors who cannot afford a computer but could be connected to family this way.
  • Our own catalogue available on the Internet through our own website.
  • T1 or better connections and large hard drives to give fast response time to all locations. Our service should impress, not disappoint.
  • Comprehensive (introductory and beyond) training in both the Internet and in computer operations in general. Too often, we stop at introductory thinking it will suffice it does not!
  • Internet access that is equal to demand
  • Access to proprietary content
  • Better speed and reliability
  • More access to online databases through more stations
  • Our library catalogue online (software allows we can't afford additional connection
  • More public traing and a computer lab
  • Faster connection time
  • Newer more up to date scanner
  • additional computer with internet access and microfiche setup for genealogy research
  • don't know (3)
  • Employment resources (including resume development)
  • Training (Internet searching, webpage development)
  • Enhanced service (with appropriate equipment) for persons with disabilities and other equity groups. Also Seniors.
  • More internet PCs
  • Online fines payment, bookings for PCs, etc.
  • More internet full text databases
  • Workshops/tutorials aimed at particular user groups
  • User group web pages on the library web site ie local senior's page, teen page etc
  • don't know at this time
  • More computers
  • New computers with better graphics resolution and higher speed
  • full time technician to fix problems and help patrons on the net and with computer use
  • Make the OPAC available via our Website.
  • Search fulltext and bibliographic databases from outside the library
  • Not sure
  • Access to our own Library Database from Internet
  • Can't think of any more
  • I know there are others, but can't think at the moment
  • Web based catalogue
  • Online education partnerships/opportunities
  • Interac
  • Top of the line equipment
  • Faster connection
  • Training for staff
  • More internet stations
  • webbased library catalogue
  • more online databases
  • Online access to the library OPAC
  • Access to online databases
  • Cable modem
  • New Bandwidth T1 or T3
  • More Internet stations at Central Library
  • More local content on web site
  • increase in the number of proprietary databases
  • More Computer Work Stations (4)
  • Full Time Technical Assistance
  • Fibreoptic telephone lines
  • More Internet access workstations
  • Increase bandwidth
  • Local content creation
  • access electronic services like placing own interlibrary loan requests, determining status of items in our collection
  • more inservice training for staff and/or technological staff
  • (perhaps) subscribing to searchable databases (we now just use it reference desk style)
  • ICQ


..last modified: 2003.06.11 important notices..
Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.