Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004. LibraryNet Connectivity Survey: Manitoba Go directly  to Site  Map
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  • Digitized Collections
  • EReference Services
  • Ebook online and other online database resources
  • Live circulation status across the region a distance of 50 kilometers
  • Online holds and reservations
  • Instant update of our catalog
  • New public access computer
  • cable modem
  • another public access computer
  • Hi speed internet (16)
  • More computers (9)
  • More available time for patrons
  • newer and faster computer (6)
  • laser printer
  • new software
  • Have the internet connected at all times.(2)
  • More computers available to the public
  • Catalogue on line ourselves instead of through provincial Maplin system
  • Reference services
  • Digitization of historical documents as we also house an archives
  • specific internet programs developed by staff to aid various public groups in training
  • staff time to provide and facillitate resource sharing with other community organizations
  • More consistent training available for patrons not involving Library staff.
  • More technical & maintenance support.
  • better Internet re: connections and consistency in availability and workability.
  • easier ways to find what people are looking for on the Internet
  • being able to lend out any type of enjoyment or information that the patron requests Re: music, books, Software
  • Provide specialized local history/information in searchable and digitzed format with a staffing component to create this information
  • Quality access to Distance Education Programs complete with support staff
  • Access to searchable databases / reference sites
  • Internet training for staff and users (7)
  • On going support to continue with the fast pace of technology.(2)
  • faster network
  • More work stations
  • A much better, and well maintained webpage that offers research links
  • Update equipment more often (3)
  • Satellite connections
  • scanner (5)
  • 1 staff member whose only job would be to provide help to staff with computer matters as well as hold public computer courses
  • Have a computer lab
  • A larger building (2)
  • n/a (3)
  • cd's
  • more staff hours
  • library open more hours
  • Available fulltime internet reasearcer/trainer/technician
  • 68 systems all online ... with satellite internet hookup
  • top quality printing available for patrons for resumes, business cards, photos, etc.
  • laminating services (2)
  • 2 stations for public
  • Full time MIS
  • Cable connection (2)
  • Newer equipment monitors, printers, CPU, etc.
  • Ongoing basic computer and internet training seniors, adults, teens & preschool
  • better video/audio capabilities
  • another terminal that would offer a form of filter/block for children's use
  • Readily available info in medical field to patrons who are still struggling with computer literacy.
  • Opportunity to try E books and offer the option for patrons.
  • Designated computer(s) for just reference questions.
  • Would like to offer a faster server.
  • We should have a color printer.
  • CAP site assistant.
  • More computers for public use
  • More training for library staff
  • Three workstations for Public Access with Pentium III's or lastest computers perhaps more room such as a computer area
  • Our library collection on a web page for patron use with other services (Our town is currently in the process of applying for a grant to develop a web page. We plan to have a link.
  • The fastest modems possible for our library and location
  • a fantastic web page that is totally interactive and has all the features that I couldn't check off in the previous question concerning library web pages.
  • a childrens' and seniors internet travelling workshop a few laptops that can be connected to the internet and taken to remote locations where people can be trained in internet use.
  • scanner/ color photocopier
  • digital camera (2)
  • More space to organize collection more effectively.
  • Areas for relaxation and quiet reading space, as well as space for children's programs.
  • Much better lighting.
  • Internet training/data base development.
  • Research projects for all sectors.
  • Mobile computer lab for community based, partnership learning projects.
  • cd burner
  • internet based databases
  • cd rom reference collection
  • We want to give distant education (2) would need more computers
  • We would hire professional computer courses for staff and patrons
  • We would get more reference materials software eg. science & medical fields
  • We are already able to service our community with the materials that we presently own.
  • No (2)
  • Offer services such as scanning, LCD enhancing, etc.
  • Provide access for small businesses to go online.
  • continuous hardware upgrades (2)
  • one-on-one training and support on demand
  • N.B. Staff available to train and help our patrons (2)
  • Faster and more stable internet service
  • More public internet terminals (2)
  • better bandwidth for better connection speeds and quality
  • ongoing funding to provide ongoing upgrades
  • Safety Security features
  • acess to headquarters server
  • Proper training for internet and computer use
  • overhead projector for computers
  • newer computers
  • colour photocopier
  • better training in trouble shooting
  • making our collection database available to public through internet
  • making peripheral equipment such as scanners available to public
  • Business training
  • Seniors training
  • Parent workshop

..last modified: 2003.06.11 important notices..
Archived by Library and Archives Canada / Archivé par Bibliothèque et archives Canada. 20-10-2004.